(Mary Villareal) The Austrian government announced during a recent conference in Vienna that it will be ending most of the country’s COVID-19 restrictions beginning March 5. Officials said the stabilization of new infections allows the country to open slowly.
vaccine wars
After Aggressively Pushing Masks and “Vaccines” for the Past Year, Fully Jabbed and “Boosted” Democrat Sen. Ben Luján Suffers Severe Stroke
(Ethan Huff)For the time being, Republicans have gained control of the Senate after Sen. Ben Luján, a Democrat from New Mexico, suffered a stroke after getting “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
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Canada Health Chief Suggests Vaccines and Mask-Wearing Be Made Voluntary
(Mary Villareal) The deputy chief epidemiologist with the Public Health Agency of Canada, Dr. Howard Njoo, is now suggesting that vaccination and mask-wearing should be voluntary. He explained that governments would be better off doing so than coercing people into doing things.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Reveals Globalist Plan To Undermine Freedom Through Vaccine Passports
(Ramon Tomey) Ben Armstrong of the New American shared a revelation by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. regarding the globalist objective of eliminating freedom.
Leading Virologist and mRNA Pioneer Dr. Robert Malone Predicts Great Awakening in Response to Great Reset
(Matthew Davis) A “Great Awakening” is bound to happen this year as the people get galvanized against the ongoing manipulation of the mainstream media in drumming up the “Great Reset” espoused by the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Will Twitter Ban Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla since He Now Says the Jabs Don’t Work?
(Ethan Huff) All of a sudden, those running the plandemic are changing their tune about the safety and effectiveness of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”
CRIMINAL DRUG CARTEL: FDA Refuses to Release Pfizer Covid Jab Data Until the Year 2076
(Ethan Huff) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has asked a federal judge to make the public wait another 55 years before requiring Pfizer to release all the data and information it used to grant “emergency use authorization” (EUA) to Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine.”
Nullification: Florida Could Withdraw from Osha Oversight Due to Overreaching Covid Vaccine Mandate
(Ethan Huff) The administration of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is mulling over ways to sidestep the Joe Biden regime’s illegal Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine mandates.
Narrative Collapse: CDC Admits There Is No Record of an Unvaccinated Person Spreading Covid after Recovering
(Ethan Huff) An attorney filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that returned a document from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admitting that there is no record of a single unvaccinated person ever spreading the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) after recovering from an alleged infection with it.
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Bill Gates Says Governments Must PUNISH People for Questioning Mask and Vaccine Mandates Online
(Lance D Johnson) In a recent interview with British politician Jeremy Hunt, Bill Gates said that governments around the world must begin to PUNISH people for questioning mask and vaccine mandates online. It’s not enough that social media companies have gone the way of the Chinese Communist Party, targeting information that exposes crimes against humanity and blacklisting critical information that would help people make an informed decision. Now, Bill Gates wants not only to silence those who disagree with him, but he also wants to turn governments against their own people when those people dare speak out of line against Bill Gate’s global agendas, surveillance systems, economic controls, genetic engineering and medical mandates.
Hundreds of Thousands of COVID Vaccine Injuries BACKLOGGED and Not Yet Entered Into VAERS … Far Greater Numbers of Injuries and Deaths Are Still To Come
(Lance D Johnson) On the latest episode of “Doctors and Scientists,” Dr. Brian Hooker Ph.D., P.E., was interviewed Dr. Jessica Rose, Ph.D. to discuss the failures of the vaccine injury surveillance system that was set up by the CDC and FDA over thirty years ago. Dr. Rose is an expert in bio-mathematics and molecular research.
FDA Officially Authorizes Pfizer mRNA Injections for Children As Young as 5 in Latest Grotesque Sellout To Profit Interests of Pfizer
(Ethan Huff) It is being reported that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized the administration of the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA (messenger RNA) injection in children as young as five.
How to Win the Vaccine Wars
(Sally Zelikovsky) As more corporate enforcers do Biden’s dirty work coercing employees to get COVID vaccines, Republicans need to do more than twiddle their thumbs as struggling Americans make the excruciating decision between jab or job.
The U.S. Is Destroying Its Own Health Care Infrastructure by Attacking the People Who Remember What Medicine Means
(Ethan Huff) The medical profession is fast becoming an unattractive prospect to young people, many of whom are not at all interested in become just another Big Pharma pawn.
Seattle Set To Lose a Quarter of Its Police Force Over COVID Vaccine Mandate As Other Emergency Services, Industry Sectors Prepare for Collapse
(JD Heyes) If the COVID-19 pandemic has done anything, it has exposed the Democratic Party for what it is: a den of authoritarians, tyrants and science deniers who don’t care about anything but accruing more power by destroying civil liberties that are supposed to be protected by the Constitution.