(Health Impact News) Two weeks after the Russia-Ukraine crisis began, the world is quickly moving toward a food crisis that could affect millions of people. A spillover of the crisis could soon spark agricultural mayhem in the US.
Biden Warns Russia Will Pay ‘Severe Price’ If It Launches Chemical Weapons Attack in Ukraine and Blames U.S.
(Kyle Becker) President Biden recently threatened Russia that it would “pay a severe price” if it used chemical weapons in Ukraine.
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The US Is Facing a Dangerous Prescription Drug Shortage
(Aden Tate) Though the idea of America facing a prescription drug shortage is really nothing new (it’s been discussed in the scientific literature for years), as would be expected with the current orchestrated supply chain storm, we are once more facing a severe drug shortage.
Keystone Pipeline Would Have Delivered 830,000 Barrels of Oil a Day to US — More than Current Daily Russian Imports
(Jim Hoft) On his first day in office, Joe Biden killed off 42,100 jobs by ending construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. The project would have delivered 830,000 barrels of crude to the US every day.
NOT BEING REPORTED: US Trucker’s Convoy Now Stretches Over 15 Miles Long [VIDEO]
(Patty McMurray) When over 50K truckers joined the Freedom convoy in Canada, Americans cheered them on as they made their trek to Ottawa and other strategic destinations to fight for freedom from COVID restrictions and mandates.
No, Opposing US Intervention in Ukraine Does Not Make You a “Russian Agent”
(Matt Agorist) There is a common thread appearing from the establishment left as the Ukraine crisis unfolds — everyone who opposes US intervention in Ukraine is a “Russian sympathizer puppet of Vladimir Putin.”
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4 US States Sue Google for Illegal Location Tracking
(Ramon Tomey) Four states represented by their respective attorneys general (AGs) pushed back against Google’s illegal location tracking. Led by D.C. AG Karl Racine, they sued Google for continuing to monitor users’ location even though they already opted out.
Red Cross Declares First-Ever Blood Shortage Crisis in US
(Jessica Corbett) Due to problems tied to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the American Red Cross on Tuesday declared its first-ever national blood shortage crisis, warning that already, “doctors have been forced to make difficult decisions about who receives blood transfusions and who will need to wait.”
‘I’m Not Sure The Specifics’: Psaki Stumbles When Doocy Grills Her On Migrants Being Released Into US
(Martin Walsh) White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was clearly not prepared on Tuesday when Fox News reporter Peter Doocy grilled her about the immigration crisis at the US-Mexico border.
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First US Shipment Arrives in Ukraine, 100 Tons of Lethal Military Aid Intended as Bulwark Against Russia
(Jack Davis) American bullets arrived in Ukraine on Friday as Russia moved fighter jets into Belarus, to the north of Ukraine.
BREAKING: British High Court Grants Julian Assange Permission to Appeal Extradition to the US
(Cassandra Fairbanks) The British High Court has granted Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s request to be able to appeal his extradition to the United States.
Tensions Grow as US, Russia Meet About Ukraine
(Nwo Report) As key diplomats from the U.S. and Russia meet Friday, fears are growing about a potential Russian invasion or attack on Ukraine.
Family of Synagogue Terrorist Malik Faisal Akram Asks How He Was Able to Enter the US with Criminal Record? How Did He Get In?
(Joe Hoft) Malik Faisal Akram is the jihadi hostage-taker who died on Saturday after a 12-hour ordeal in a Texas synagogue. His brother asks how Akram was able to enter the US with a criminal record.
Three Major US-Based Retailers That Cashed In On COVID Pandemic Significantly Raise Prices of At-Home COVID Test Kit After Deal With Biden Regime Ends
(Amber Crawford) COVID-19-related shutdowns brought unexpected benefits to Kroger, Amazon, and Walmart. While mom-and-pop businesses across America that relied on foot traffic in their brick-and-mortar stores were forced to close their doors permanently, big box stores were making money hand over fist.
BIDEN’S TROJAN HORSE: From Afghanistan and Across the Southern Border, Biden is Bringing Unvetted Military Age Men from Around the Globe Into the US
(Joe Hoft) Biden is welcoming into the US a Trojan Horse. Whether from Afghanistan or across the Southern border, America is being invaded by military-age men from foreign countries.