(Nwo Report) A former Justice Department attorney says the recent indictments surrounding the fake Russia collusion dossier show that former President Trump was the victim of a criminal conspiracy pushed by the mainstream media.
US News
Mom: 6-Year-Old Asked if She Was Born Evil Because She Is White
(Nwo Report) A mother told the Loudoun County school board she removed her children from their public schools after her six-year-old daughter asked her if she was born evil because she is white.
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Premature Premonitions of Civil War?
(Nwo Report) Anyone paying attention knows that America is fast polarizing to become two distinct factions. One is comprised of the coastal blue states commanded by dictators, for whom concepts like individual liberty are just speed bumps on the way to their newfangled visions of progress, and the other is largely made up of the red states in America’s heartland and Southeast, where leaders still generally fear the electoral consequences of putting their boots on their constituents’ throats.
Hit Piece on Florida Gov Ron DeSantis Backfires on Democrats [Video]
(Nwo Report) A hit piece from Democrats has backfired. The video below has people asking if DeSantis has to declare the cost of the ad as a campaign contribution.
Your Credit Score May Soon be Determined by Your Browsing History
(NWO Report) The next Orwellian thing to hit the United States may be coming soon.
Sarah Palin Announces She Isn’t Getting a Vaccine: Reveals What She’s Doing Instead
(Isa Cox) Former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has revealed that she has opted not to get the COVID-19 vaccine, having already tested positive for and recovered from the virus earlier this year.
Bush and Milley Have Chosen Obama’s False History of America
(J.B. Shurk) It has been the project of the political left for quite some time to convince Americans that there is nothing exceptional about their country. To “fundamentally transform” a culture, you must first poison the roots of what has already been growing. So for a century, Marxists have disparaged American history as steeped in genocide, imperialism, and avarice. They have exploited the imagery of virtue and vice to convince moral people that their nation rose from immorality. This has reached its logical apex with the historically illiterate 1619 Project, supported by elite news publications and academic institutions, reimagining America’s birth as bathed not in liberty, but rather enslavement.
Why is COVID Natural Immunity Being Ignored?
(Nwo Report) Immunity, according to the CDC website, is “Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without being infected.” They explain that “Immunity to a disease is achieved through the presence of antibodies to that disease in a person’s system.” These antibodies are “disease specific.”
The U.S. And China Are Closer To War Than Most Americans Would Dare To Imagine
(Michael Snyder) Are we in danger of stumbling into a major military conflict? This week, a couple of startling revelations have really shaken up those that closely watch U.S. relations with China. The relationship between our two nations continues to deteriorate, and we are now closer to a war with China than we have ever been since the end of the Korean War. This is something that I have been warning about for a long time, and I am extremely alarmed by what has just been revealed.
“Children of the Same Foul Spirit”…Divisive George Bush Stirs Up Hate by Comparing “Domestic Terrorists” to Islamic Terrorists [Video]
(Leisa Audette ) 9/11 is a day when all Americans should come together as one to honor the fallen and promise never to forget what happened when terrorists killed over 3,000 people. Instead, on the 20th anniversary of 9/11, George Bush decided to divide us. Shame on him.
Dan Crenshaw’s Youth Summit Features Never Trumpers, Climate Change Activists, Coffee Company That Betrayed Kyle Rittenhouse
(Shane Trejo) Rep. Dan “McCain 2.0” Crenshaw’s upcoming youth summit in Houston, Tex. is a haven for anti-Trump voices, liberal Republicans, and the founders of the coffee company that regularly spits on patriots while shamelessly grifting them out of their cash.
PA US Senate Candidate Demands Investigation Into Claim That Univ. of Pittsburgh Was Harvesting Kidneys of Born Alive Babies
(Patty McMurray) We live in a sick world, where liberals have as much regard for the life of an unborn and born alive human baby, as a typical lab rat raised for the purposes of scientific testing. After Planned Parenthood was caught in a series of undercover videos admitting to the sale of baby parts and fetal tissue, the dishonest media circled the wagons to cover up the story and make the story instead, about the unfair ambushing of Planned Parenthood officials.
Embarrassing the Predatory Left
(Nwo Report) The predatory, tyrannical Left typically seeks to establish its moral authority by portraying its quest for power as a defense of disadvantaged constituencies. Unfortunately for the leftist, the constituencies they claim to defend often include members who resist and disavow the Left’s claim to represent them, thus deflating the Left’s irrationally aggrandized sense of political entitlement. Like any intolerant bigot, the moralizing leftist demands unstinting loyalty and uncompromised obedience from those he or she claims to represent, and when this is not forthcoming, ugliness ensues.
The Rise of the Red Flyover States
(Nwo Report) LIFE ELEVATED, Utah’s state slogan, well describes the geology (high desert, mountains), the culture (adventurous), and the almost endless opportunities for outdoor recreation (world-class skiing, hiking, fishing, biking, hunting, golfing, etc.) and affirms living rather than merely existing – not bad for only two words! Contrast this with many places struggling through the COVID and BLM hell of 2020 and beyond.
The Biden Regime Has Made Us All Enemies of the State
(J.B. Shurk) How can you tell we’re slipping under the yoke of totalitarianism? The New York Times has declared that the word “freedom” is merely an “anti-government slogan,” and the Biden regime refuses to condemn Cuba’s communist police state, even as it “disappears” Cuban dissidents during live video feeds. I don’t know how much clearer the State and its “news” propagandists can be. If “freedom” is a dirty little word as meaningless as “hope and change,” then everything upon which the United States of America has been built is dead, and if the Obama-Biden cabal running the White House find common cause with the same Castro-Guevara mass murderers who have tortured and summarily executed innocent Cubans in the name of “revolution” for sixty years, then the federal government cannot be trusted.