(Shama Tobin) Crooked politicians like to divide people, because they thrive on division. Even when they try hard to utter “unity,” it is as fake as the mainstream media. When they have two propositions in a sentence, you need only to focus on their second one. That’s all that matters.
Unity: Terry Crews Doubles Down on Desire to Unite People Despite Leftist Outrage: I ‘Decide to Die on This Hill’
(Ryan Saavedra) Actor Terry Crews doubled down on his desire to unite people, regardless of race, after leftists whipped up an outrage cycle over remarks that he made early last week about “black lives matter.”
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Collaborative Intelligence – Think Tanks — Key Knowledge for Unity, Community, and Collective Action
(Exploring Your Mind) In an increasingly competitive and individualistic world, knowing collaborative thinking could help society a lot. In the face of the challenges that await human beings, it’s essential to learn to think together in order to shape a better future.
Tribal Mentality: How Fear of Feeling Out is Holding Us Back
(Niraj Soma Naik) When I was a pharmacist, a fellow pharmacist who was from Nigeria told me how tribal culture had historically held back progress in some parts of Africa. The king of the tribe (usually the most dominant/alpha/territorial character) would kill off anyone who came up with a new invention out of fear that they would become the new king.
The Six Blind Sages and the Elephant: Learning to Value Other People’s Opinions
(Exploring Your Mind) Do you value other people’s opinions? Do you take into account different perspectives?
Event in California Brings Whistleblowers, Researchers, and World-healers Together for Something Big
(Justin Deschamps) Almost everyone knows it at some level but only some dare to accept the truth.
3 Tips for Better Communication During Difficult Conversations
(Justin Deschamps) There are a few things we must learn in order to have true freedom, prosperity, and benevolence in our personal lives and society. One of those skills is communication. The following article offers some advice as to how to cultivate good communication skills. With these in hand, an individual can positively contribute to the lives of their fellows and the world at large, should they also dedicate themselves to learn the law so as to respect life with conscious precision.
Alternative Media Companies Unite in Inspiring Rally Against Corporate, Gov’t Censorship
(Matt Agorist) Members and owners of multiple alternative media outlets gathered in Houston, Texas to discuss the heavy hand of corporate and government censorship and how to stop it.
Awaken To a Unified Field in Heart Consciousness
(Ulonda Faye) Have you ever truly and deeply experienced the true connection your heart offers? The heart organ is our greatest vehicle for Unity Consciousness, which is thinking, acting and living in ways that unite us with our Higher Self and our collective Over-Soul.
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Aspects, Fractals and the Golden Thread
(Zen Gardner) I’ve always been fascinated by the clear commonalities of religions and philosophies, and their intermingling with mysticism and the so-called occult – which is nothing more than sequestered teachings of the same.
Q Anon Follower Arrested and Used by MSM to Paint Truth-Seekers as Crazy — Exposing Reputation Attacks, and What We Should Do About It
(Justin Deschamps) The following is a mainstream media piece discussing William Douglas, a Q Anon follower who was arrested by the FBI this week for cyberstalking and making death threats on social media. Douglas has a YouTube channel where he discusses Flat Earth, Q Anon, Pizzagate and various other Deep State conspiracies. Douglas was enraged by what he described as a censorship campaign on the part of YouTube.
Why We Need To Stand Up To The Illuminati Together Right Now
(Richard Enos) In my previous 7-part series of articles on Who Lucifer Really Is & Why They Are Here, we became aware of the existence of a highly organized group of bloodline families that have essentially been ruling our planet since antiquity. There we focused on the spiritual contradictions about who Lucifer was and his ultimate purpose for being here.
Metaphysics: The Sacred Geometry of Unity Consciousness
(Ethan Indigo Smith) Most often when the term ‘four dimensions of geometry’ is mentioned, people generally assume the subject is about the mapping of a place in coordinates.
Uniting Truthers, Portal to Ascension, Abundance Consciousness — Neil Guar (Video)
Portal to Ascension (www.portaltoascension.org) has been featuring mind expanding content for several year. Neil Guar is the founder the organization, who has the intention of bringing powerful information to people worldwide. Join us as we get to know Neil and his passion for the truth, along with learning about future projects that will help propel […]
No Part Of You Is Separate From The Divine
(Cellular Enlightenment) No part of you is separate from the divine. We are each parts of a whole, but just because we are a part does not make us “less than” the whole. Its much like the cells that make up an organ of your body. The liver does not say “I am better than all […]