There is an obvious propaganda war being waged for control over the public mind, and it seems that the once understood reality of voter fraud is the latest casualty. Even the subtlest use of neuro-linguistic programming will likely have those who’ve yet to develop their discernment skills assuming that Voter Fraud is just another “Orange-man Conspiracy Theory”.
Underground Newswire
How Prevalent is Blackmail via Crimes Against Children in Politics?
(Ryan DeLarme) How frequent is blackmail actually used in modern politics? While we independent media folks are typically less than qualified to explain such furtive actions, there seems to be a clear trend of exposure in recent years despite the efforts of the global intelligence communities, the media, and puppet politicians. Is there a schism happening leading to an unprecedented amount of truth being revealed? Here’s a few things to think about:
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Ancient Tree Discovered With a Record of Earth’s Magnetic Field Reversal in Its Rings
(Jade Small) In March 2019, an amazing discovery was made on New Zealand’s North Island. An ancient tree, the first and perhaps only specimen that exists, shows evidence of a reversal of Earth’s magnetic field. The Agathis Australis, known as a Kauri tree in Māori, was unearthed during the expansion of a geothermal power plant on North Island.
World Economic Forum: The Institution Behind “The Great Reset”
(Steven Guinness) In a recent article I briefly examined a number of advances that global planners made prior to the World Economic Forum’s announcement in June of a new initiative dubbed ‘The Great Reset‘. Taken together, the United Nation’s Agenda 2030, the Paris Climate Agreement, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Bank for International Settlement’s ‘Innovation BIS 2025‘ offer an insight into how elites want to turn the lives of every man, woman and child inside out over the course of the next decade.
Sidney Powell: Inside the Michael Flynn Case
(Jan Jekielek) In the court case against Lt. General Michael Flynn, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit has ordered Judge Emmet Sullivan to grant the request of U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to dismiss. But what will happen next?
Hundreds of Former George W. Bush Staffers Launch Pro-Biden Super PAC
(Ben Wilson) A new super PAC formed by hundreds of former campaign, administration, and political staffers from George W. Bush’s administration will work to get former Vice President Joe Biden elected, saying they are “dismayed and disappointed” by the Trump presidency.
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A Quick and Dirty Guide to Cell Phone Surveillance at Protests
(Cooper Quintin) As uprisings over police brutality and institutionalized racism have swept over the country, many people are facing the full might of law enforcement weaponry and surveillance for the first time. Whenever protesters, cell phones, and police are in the same place, protesters should worry about cell phone surveillance. Often, security practitioners or other protesters respond to that worry with advice about the use of cell-site simulators (also known as a CSS, IMSI catcher, Stingray, Dirtbox, Hailstorm, fake base station, or Crossbow) by local law enforcement. But often this advice is misguided or rooted in a fundamental lack of understanding of what a cell-site simulator is, what it does, and how often they are used.
Trump Administration to Release Names of Businesses That Received Large PPP Loans
(Zachary Stieber) The Trump administration, in a sharp reversal, is releasing the names of some businesses that received money from a federal government program created to alleviate burdens during virus-fueled lockdowns.
Obama, Spygate, and the Shadow Presidency
(Ryan DeLarme) Information gleaned from recently declassified transcripts paint a picture of how the Obama administration set up an illegal surveillance operation against against a duly elected President. The implications are beyond staggering, regardless of anyone’s personal opinions on President Trump. The corporate media is predictably hush-hush about all of this, giving little air time and slanting the story with misdirection and omission of pertinent findings.
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Facebook and the Supreme Court of Social Media
(Ryan DeLarme) In an earnest attempt to stamp out “Hate Speech”, “Fake News”, and any opinions that do not coincide with the CEO’s and Shareholders agenda; companies like Facebook are creating a “Supreme Court” to decide if what you post is up to snuff with whatever propaganda or psychological operation that the CIA infused mainstream media is propagating at the time.
The Nationalization of the FED and What it Means
President Trump is in a great position thanks to the National Emergencies Act, which was signed by every state and territory. As a direct result of this the “white-hats” in the Government were able to achieve several important objectives, primarily: the Nationalization of the Federal Reserve, and getting the Defense Production Act signed.
Underground Newswire Weekly Report (March 29th-April 4th): FISA, Seth Rich, Bill Gates
(Ryan DeLarme) There’s a lot of buzz coming out on the FISA court right now, including errors, abuse, and omitting certain facts to get the outcome they want, to stir up bogus charges to use against anyone in opposition to the DC Cabal’s agendas. Now of course the media and career politicians claim they “followed the rules to a T”, many of us know that this is not the case but now it will be revealed to show the people who care to see how the FISA courts have been used to further criminal and treasonous enterprises.
Underground Newswire Weekly Report (March 21st-28th) Hysteria and The FED
(Ryan DeLarme) The viral hysteria has intensified even further this week as most states have now issued stay-at-home orders, limiting people to only going out for essentials or trips that are “life sustaining”. It’s certainly true that people are sick, however, all the facts and figures don’t seem to match up across the board. The general theme is Panic, Fear, and gossip, but it’s not all doom and gloom. Despite the push for politicizing what could very well be a bio-weapon attack (something Trump continuously suggests but the MSM scoffs at) there is a good deal of hope and positive news that the media doesn’t care much to touch on.
Underground Newswire COVID-19 Report
(Ryan DeLarme) The whole world is focused on the COVID-19 Pandemic currently sweeping the globe. There is a wealth of statistics, figures, assurances, and speculation concerning this virus coming from just about every source imaginable, but no one seems to fully agree on anything. The numbers and opinions change like the weather depending on where you are choosing to get your information from.
UN Weekly Report (Mar 8th – 14th): Bill Gates, Project Python, COVID-19
(Ryan DeLarme) We often hear that it’s not just America taking back control from the Banking Cartels, that this is a worldwide effort. We’re now seeing arrests in Saudi Arabia, where 4 Saudi Princes were detained and investigated for treason. The princes were planning a palace coup against Mohammed bin Salman, likely sponsored by players in the Central Bank Deep-State.