(Joe Hoft) John Paul Mac Isaac’s life changed late in the day, 10 minutes before close when Hunter Biden stumbled into his computer repair shop and dropped off a laptop for repair. Mac Isaac’s ended up with the laptop – the laptop from hell.
Not a Joke: The “Church of Lucifer” Stands With Ukraine
(Ava Garcia) Just when you thought the international Ukrainian-Russian mess couldn’t get more freakish…
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Google AdSense Cuts Off Monetization For Content Accusing Ukraine Of Genocide
(Patrick Howley) Google AdSense, which manages the program through which websites can monetize with Google ads, is cutting off monetization for any content that promotes “claims that imply victims are responsible for their own tragedy or similar instances of victim blaming, such as claims that Ukraine is committing genocide or deliberately attacking its own citizens.” Google is enacting this censorious policy despite the massive evidence that Ukraine is actually shelling civilians in disputed separatist areas and carrying out other human rights travesties. Reporter Patrick Lancaster has been on the front lines reporting on the violence that civilians believe is coming from the government of Ukraine and its allies.
Biden Set To Announce Another $750 Million in Military Assistance for Ukraine, Report
(Just the News) Administration announcement expected as early as Wednesday.
8-Mile Long Russian Convoy Signals Huge Assault Readied To Take Donbas: Pentagon
(Nwo Report) During a Monday press briefing the Pentagon told reporters that it’s observed major Russian preparations for a bigger move deeper into the Donbas region of Ukraine.
Reading the Psyops Tea Leaves in Ukraine – Americans are Focused on Challenges at Home
(Larry Johnson) If you are looking for sound military analysis of the situation on the ground in Ukraine set aside an hour or so and watch Gonzalo Lira’s interview of Scott Ritter. Scott has the best grasp of the military strategy and tactics at play in the Donbas.
Putin Reportedly Arrests Intelligence Officers Who Provided Faulty Information On Ukraine Before Invasion
(Nwo Report) Russian President Vladimir Putin has put under house arrest intelligence officers responsible for intelligence failures during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Ukraine’s Digital Government Services App Converted Into an Instrument of War
(Mary Villareal) The Ukrainian government’s digital app Diia carries individuals’ records, including identity cards, passports, licenses, vaccination records, registrations, insurances, health reimbursements and social benefits. This app, which was supposed to be used for identification and social purposes, can now be used as a tool for war.
Poland Summons French Ambassador After Macron Brands Polish PM a ‘Far-Right Antisemite’
(Chris Tomlinson) The French ambassador to Poland was summoned on Friday by the Polish foreign minister after President Emmanuel Macron branded Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki a “far-right antisemite”.
Hundreds Of Dogs Reportedly Found Dead At Ukraine Animal Shelter
(Madeleine Hubbard) A Ukrainian animal rights group reports that more than 300 dogs in the Borodansky Animal Shelter died during the Russian invasion.
Three US Intel Officials Tell NBC News That the “Intelligence” Biden Released on Russia/Ukraine Was Made Up (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) NBC News on Wednesday evening casually admitted that the “intelligence” Biden released claiming Russia was planning a false flag operation as a pretext to invade Ukraine was totally made up.
Biden’s Military Leaders Discuss Ukraine Before the House but Omit Discussing At Least One Very Important Topic
(Joe Hoft) Biden’s Military leaders were in front of the US House of Representatives yesterday. There was one main topic of discussion that they neglected to address.
The Dog That Ain’t Barking in Ukraine
(Larry Johnson) Remember when UK Defense sources were predicting Russia would be finished in 14 days? This was back on March 23:
Hunter Biden Sought To Cash In With Oligarchs During First Russian War on Ukraine, Records Show
(Nwo Report) In the shadows of Russia’s first invasion of Ukraine in 2014, Hunter Biden and his business partners embarked on an aggressive campaign to score millions of dollars in “life changing” business with oligarchs in both countries who had an interest in his father’s policymaking business, according to emails and court records obtained by Just the News.
Zelensky Blames Merkel, Sarkozy for Keeping Ukraine From NATO
(Just the News staff) Harkening alleged war crimes in one of his cities, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is blasting former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, ex-French President Nicolas Sarkozy and other Western leaders for appeasing Russia and blocking his country from joining NATO.