Jean Hanes recently posted on her revamped blog, Co-creating Our Future On Planet Earth, a story involving Judge Anna and her work. Click Here for previous updates. In the post The National Debt Is Not For Americans To Payback | History of The Corporate Takeover of The Continental United States, we discussed that the whole ‘justice system’ […]
The National Debt Is Not For Americans To Payback | History of The Corporate Takeover of The Continental United States
This is yet another empowering disclosure by Judge Anna. The National Debt, which has been the cause of so much anxiety in the past 10 years, is in fact a foreign debt incurred by the USA, Inc. The people are in fact the creditors of this debt, and are owed vast sums by the foreign […]
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Strawman Trust pays all your debts in advance | Must Know Information, please forward… – Birth Certificate, CUSIP Number, Cesta Que Trust, Social Security, True Bill
Source – Stop the Pirates All tradable Securities must be assigned a CUSIP NUMBER before it can be offered to investors. Birth Certificates and Social Security Applications are converted into Government Securities; assigned a CUSIP NUMBER; grouped into lots and then are marketed as a Mutual Fund Investment. Upon maturity, the profits are moved into […]
Courtroom Techniques | The Rules of the Game: America is Bankrupt, Contract Law, Admiralty and Maritime Law, Common Law, Equity Law, Colorable Money, Uniform Commercial Code, Without Prejudice, Recourse
We posted Freeman’s work last year and it was one of the most popular to date. This data can be hard to understand depending on your knowledge level, but even an expert can benefit from its review. Our task here on Earth seems to be regaining the knowledge of our Personal Sovereignty, remembering and acting […]
United States of America, Inc. | Goodbye To the US of A corporation – “Puerto Rico Corporation website, the United States of America (the corporation) has been cancelled” – Not really…
Apparently the Supreme Council of the United States of America Jurisdiction Grand Orient has been canceled in the Puerto Rican registry of Corporations. Cindy Kay of We Rise Together found the United States of America in the Delaware registry which would suggest that this may not be the all end all cancellation some have hoped for. What does this all mean for ending […]
Creation of the Strawman: Hidden Legal and Financial History of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Inc. – WHY THE UCC FILING (to discharge a debt)?
Source – Stop the Pirates Short Explanation as is Understood at this Time (Subject to further clarification) Around the time of the war between the United States and the southern states of the American union, the United States was busy putting together a plan that would increase the jurisdiction of the United States. This plan […]
Debt Enslaving tools of Credit Card Companies, and how to use them to become debt free – NOVATION UNDER THE LAW
In my experience researching law, commerce and the nature of our contractual reality, there is revealed many aspects about Contracts which is reflected in our daily lives and in modern society. Without getting too deep into esoteric knowledge, as a result of having free will, the Universe developed an implacable system of maintaining free will […]
What is a Strawman? – Legally, we are considered to be a FICTION
Source – Stop The Piriates In 1666, in London, during the black plague, and great fires of london Parliament enacted an act, behind closed doors, called Cestui Que Vie Act 1666. The act being debated the Cestui Qui act was to subrogate the rights of men and women, meaning all men and women were declared dead, […]
Letter to Banks: Oliver Troll: Repurposing and renewal of the current banking system
Source Monday, September 09, 2013 To management at: XXXXXX Repurposing and renewal of the current banking system I am writing to you in connection with a banking system that doesn’t work and does not have anything beneath it. This is a matter of concern for us all even you reading. First some background: As you […]
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Brian Kelly’s Blog: NY Times Reports on Sovereign Movement & UCC
Source NY Times Reports on Sovereign Movement & UCCAugust 24, 2013 No such thing as bad press right? ~BKIn Paper War, Flood of Liens Is the Weapon MINNEAPOLIS — One of the first inklings Sheriff Richard Stanek had that something was wrong came with a call from the mortgage company handling his refinancing. “It must […]
The One People 12/13 Aug 2013
Listin to show here: Formerly the Oppt-In Show. Join the discussion with Lisa Harrison, Bob Wright, Chris Hales and Brian Kelly, for updates on the BE’ing and DO’ing of The One People as we ground our new reality. Join us at Watch us on YT Join us at FB Source:
GalacticU Radio with Sierra Neblina 15 August 2013 w/ Bob Wright & Brian Kelly
This a wonderful introductory show which covers all the major points behind the OPPT, foreclosure of banks and governments, why there is no lawful currency, what a strawman ‘account’ is, how one used to be able to access it, what the UCC is and why it serves as the ‘worlds law’ and what is coming […]
Accessing your ‘Strawman’ Account – Filing a UCC1 Financing Statement
Stillness in the Storm Editor: The following article is for information purposes only. After much research and strategizing, it is arguable that you cannot access your strawman account as it is not our possession. A trust created on your behalf doesn’t mean it’s yours. By definition, a trust is not under your direct control, it […]
Bob Wright Deposits a DOV – Transcript of One People Show 29/30 July 2013
This is a transcript of the One People Show from the 29th of July 2013. Bob discusses his DOV deposit from last thursday and the reactions he got from the bank. This is really powerful information because this phase of the process is all about INTERNAL work. Once the documents come out and everything is […]