(Justin Deschamps)The powers that be, the so-called Illuminati, reveal their agenda hidden in plain sight. Nothing is truly hidden.
truth earth
Amazing Stargate Atlantis Ascension Episode Synchronicities
(Jonathan Carty) For those who are aware of the Stargate series they might know that this show features Ascension and Ascended beings as part of its main plot for several seasons. We have heard before that Stargate SG-1 has a lot of disclosure of classified intel written within its episodes and I wholeheartedly agree with this considering my extensive research into the topic of disclosure in TV and movies. I have seen the entire Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis seasons a couple of times each in addition to the Stargate: Origins series which came out earlier this year.
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Information About The Event and Ascension from Dolores Cannon’s Book ‘The Convoluted Universe III’
(Jonathan Carty) It’s taken a few weeks but I’ve finally gotten through this entire book and I have been bookmarking various pages so that I can come back and write an article about the amazing information she is getting through her clients while they are in a deep trance state.
Just a Reminder, You Are All AMAZING (Uplifting Post For You)
(Jonathan Carty) Being guided to share a reminder here to all those who feel guided to read this, that each one of you is special beyond your imagination. No one is useless here, everyone is part of the master puzzle. Without you here on this planet, the plan for liberation would not go as well as it should.
Invitation to Mass Meditations on 11/11/18 at 11:11 AM EST and 2:00 PM EST! (Plus Promo Video)
(Jonathan Carty) For those who feel guided there will be two meditations on 11/11/18, one at 11:11 AM EST which will be a guided audio meditation (by the Prepare For Change team and others) that will help boost the power and effectiveness of the second meditation which will be live streamed from Washington D.C. at Disclosure Fest three hours later at 2:00 PM EST.
Secret Space Program/Nazi Eugenics/Operation Brain Drain/MK Ultra Techniques/Ascended Abilities Disclosed in the Netflix Show ‘Ascension’
(Jonathan Carty) I did a lot of research for this particular piece so forgive me if it goes on for a while. I was searching for a sci-fi show to watch and possibly do an analysis on and got an immediate hit when I read the synopsis for a show one can find on Netflix called ‘Ascension’. Although their synopsis is a bit incomplete, I will be sharing my own.
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Disturbing Scenes in Animated Adult Cartoon ‘Mr. Pickles’; Cannibalism, Satanic/Luciferian Rituals, Human Sacrifice, Rape, Torture and More
(Jonathan Carty) I have found out about this disturbing show called ‘Mr. Pickles‘ and thought it should be brought to the attention of those in the truth community. There are few shows that I’ve ever seen which depict such disturbing images and scenes as this one. Before I go on I must warn you that what you will see is very disturbing. I don’t intend to hold anything back here.
Disclosures in Daft Punk’s ‘Discovery’ Album Anime Series ‘Interstella 5555 The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem’
(Jonathan Carty) Most people have probably heard of Daft Punk before. They have been around since the ’90s and they have a great talent for creating music. One of the things that I have noticed while listening to their music and watching their music videos from the ‘Discovery’ album was that the videos seem to be depicting a story line. I had no idea about this as I only listened to a few songs here and there.
Descendants of Julius Caesar Announcing Themselves Through TV, Movies, Music, Music Videos and Through MK Ultra Programs?
(Jonathan Carty) This post is going to contain several examples of how these surviving ancient Roman bloodlines have been revealing themselves through TV, movies, music, music videos and in MK Ultra program abuse. So much of what is happening right now in our history has to do with Ancient Rome. If you research their tactics, it’s exactly the same then as it is now; false flags, paying people to cause trouble/riots or to slander someone (especially during the time of Jesus), human sacrifice, occult rituals, world-domination, hegemonic ideology and so much more. What’s different this time?
Arachnid Chimera Group Disclosed in TV and Movies?
(Jonathan Carty) Since I have my laptop back I will be able to compile the several possible references to the Chimera Group who we have just learned are Arachnid beings incarnated into humanoid bodies. After Cobra revealed this just recently my mind went back to several shows and movies where a spider or something similar to a spider was depicted as being the very top of the control structure, which is the case for this planet.
Pedophile Boy-Lover Symbol Found On Signs Surrounding Mall Complex in Glendale, Arizona (More Signs Found)
(Jonathan Carty) Some might remember a previous post where I discovered the boy-lover symbol on a few standing signs outside of a plaza in a busy area (Bell Road and 75th Ave) in Glendale, AZ where I lived (the symbols at the top left part of the sign, the triangular spiral):
Sex Kitten Programming/Pedophile Symbols (Ping Pong, Hot Dog, Ice Cream, Pizza) Found in Katy Perry Video ‘This Is How We Do’
(Jonathan Carty) So some months back I was guided to watch a few mainstream music videos. I usually do this for research purposes to uncover what kind of hidden symbols or messages are present in the video. One such video really shocked me as it contained several symbols which indicates a presence of pedophilia and sex kitten programming, which sadly, countless people who we would call celebrities are subject to.
The Cintamani Stone/Brotherhood of the Star Disclosed in Stargate SG-1/Atlantis
(Jonathan Carty) As some of the readers here may or may not already know, Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis are known for disclosing some pretty interesting stuff over the course of its run.
The Sacred 369 in Your Body
(Jonathan Carty) The human body is a very advanced and complex bio-electrical machine capable of incredible feats. It can withstand the extremes of weather, pain and other activities which stretch its limits beyond what we think is possible. I’ve seen this personally throughout my experience in a hospital setting for the last 8 years. Your body also encodes the sacred 369 which we have heard so much about, especially thanks to Tesla:
(Part VI) Massive Intel Drops on 4Chan by Individual(s) with Highest Level ‘Q’ Clearance & Other Updates
(Jonathan Carty) I must reiterate that it is important to exercise discernment when coming across this or any information you find. Q did mention that disinformation is real and necessary. I would also ask again that you be forgiving if I leave something out, I assure you it is unintentional. I only have benevolent intentions […]