There is a part of our world integrated by co-creative consciousness, a grand undertaking of many individuals all working together to effect a goal of epic proportions. This achievement of cooperation by the hands of a few dedicated individuals has transformed the planet and touched nearly everyone’s life to some degree. The system I am […]
trent goodbaudy
How to Avoid Commercial Traffic Contracts | Basic Principles Foundation for Defense Against The Terrorists
This is a informative post describing the difference between the Private side of the legal system and the Public side. The “Justice System” is actually a corporate adjudication business. It is like asking Walmart to decide if you are guilty of crime and how you can “serve your time.” The below information is crucial to […]
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What’s in a NAME? – A Deep Discovery into the legal concepts of ‘Strawman,’ Birth Certificates or Fictitious names and their usages
Great post by Trent Goodbaudy! – Justin Source – Freedom From Government Don’t be fooled by the appearances. The “STRAWMAN” argument is an opportunity to use as a forum to expose a vital truth about how men, women and children are legally converted into mere things; HUMAN RESOURCES and raw materials for exploitation to profit […]
Understanding the difference between Legal and Lawful: “A Contract Is Not Legal! But Not Illegal Either!”
Source – Freedom From Government Is a Pure Trust and/or Contract legal? The answer is no; they are not legal, but, not illegal either. That is what is so great about them. The Supreme Court put it this way: “The fact that a ‘Business Trust’ is not regarded as a legal entity distinct from its Trustees, […]
Statutory Law is based on the Presumption that you are in ‘Breach of Trust’ – But what Trust are they talking about?
For a detailed explanation of the Trust relationship we have with our “governments” see this post: Trust Law: How You Became A Commodity – The Creation of Constructive Trusts … “This power over us is, or is about to become, SLAVERY. We are squarely to blame”. – Justin Source – Freedom From Government If you […]
Trust Law: How You Became A Commodity – The Creation of Constructive Trusts … “This power over us is, or is about to become, SLAVERY. We are squarely to blame”
This post is filled with key knowledge and understanding regarding our relationship to the “Governments” claiming ownership of us and how the slavery system actually works. The laws on Earth, despite being regarded as a failure by most, is actually a perfect tapestry of technology acting on consciousness which descend on down from the ages. […]
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What is a “Law”??? Natural Law vs Man’s law
True “Law” is immutable and unbreakable. When you try to break it, you feel the results of your actions. Gravity, is a ‘Law’ and if you attempt to break it; you fall. Man’s “laws” are agreements, they only work because of CONSENT; and are hardly immutable. When you try and break it, you can! But […]
Notice of Mistake to IRS (Editable Word .DOC)
Update – The link for the word document is offline and the original source page has been taken down. Thankfully this copy remains and can be used to build a document, as the below article contains a sample version. – Justin Source – Freedom From Government This is a good example of a letter to send […]
Right vs Privilege, Automobile MSO, RIGHT TO TRAVEL
Source – Freedom From Government Those that live ON the land of the unincorporated ‘states united’ have a right to travel.Those that live (reside) IN the corporate US, corporate STATE OF NEBRASKA, corporate DOUGLAS COUNTY, corporate CITY OF OMAHA, do not have right to travel. Remember being IN is a lot different than being ON. IN […]
Do you “own” your own property? Allodial Land Title
Source – Freedom From Government Many Americans have not come to the realization that their homes, businesses, and properties are collateral on the federal debt, even if you have the deed and it’s paid for, in FULL! If the federal government defaults on its interest obligation, the private World Bankers automatically become the new “Land Lords” […]
Are you a “PERSON?” or do you “have a PERSON?” – The Government Presumes You To Be The Lowest Ranking State Officer, a “PERSON”
Source – Freedom from Government This is the single most important lesson that you MUST learn. If you spend an hour to learn this material you will be rewarded for the rest of your life. The word “person” in legal terminology is perceived as a general word which normally includes in its scope a variety of entities other […]
Disclosure: American Citizen, or U.S. citizen? — The Difference is Key
Source – Freedom From Government Ever look at your voter registration card? Ever wonder if there is evidence that you are a US Corp. Citizen? Well when you admit to being one on your voter registration card, you are volunteering for all their wonderful “benefits”. There appears to be general misunderstanding by people in general as […]
Are you thinking like a Slave? A thorough look at Language and how we use it
The shackles are actually in your mind. This is a HUGE post covering how our thoughts, words we use, and world views we have, all influence us in our behavior and actions. We are creators by nature, we can not help but create. Sherri, from the Remembering show, was discussing with us, how the words […]
It’s TAX time again! READ THIS before you file! 16th (Amendment) grants NO NEW POWERS!
Source Before you file your taxes this year, I would like to remind you that when the 16th amendment was passed (all the way back in 1911), it only applied to PUBLIC SERVANTS that have SWORN AN OATH! You should REALLY find out if you are supposed to “Render unto Caesar, what is Caesars” before […]
How to do a Proper Refusal for Cause (Dispel Contractual Acceptance Presumption)
Thank you Trent of for all your hard work. I have not tried this yet myself, if you have had or are having success please let us know! Source Refused for cause example This is quite the complex process, simple though it is, simply because one needs to have irrefutable proof that any presentment has […]