(Samantha Chang) Mixed martial arts star Bryce Mitchell has become a viral media sensation after voicing the sentiment of millions of Americans regarding the Russia-Ukraine war.
High-Ranking Kazakhstan Official Who Allegedly Sparked Bloody Attempted “Revolution” and Was Arrested For Treason, Is Another One of Biden’s Corrupt “Business Partners”
(Julian Conradson) One of the alleged main conspirators in the attempted overthrow of the Kazakhstan Government turns out to have been a “good friend” of the Bidens who participated in several shady business meetings with both Hunter and Joe.
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TREASON: American government officials caught editing Wuhan lab journal
(Ethan Huff) Government officials in the United States have been caught editing Virologica Sinica, a scientific journal affiliated with the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) that has been pumping out propaganda against the true origins of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
Over 11,000 Illegal Immigrants Are Camped Out Under a Bridge in Texas – and They’re Growing by the Day
(Arsenio Toledo) A drone operated by Fox News has found more than 11,000 illegal immigrants camped under a bridge in Texas.
CBS, NBC Fully Back Milley’s Act of Treason, Promised to Warn China
(News Editors) If a military general tried to insert himself into the chain of command in an attempt to usurp power from a civilian Democratic president and promised America’s chief adversary they would warn them if we were going to attack, the liberal media would be screaming and calling it what it was: treason. But since Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley did those exact things to President Trump, CBS and NBC came out in strong support of it during their Tuesday evening newscasts, suggesting he was protecting the nation.
Benedict Milley Makes Ludicrous Excuse for Treason
(JD Rucker) Imagine if a general in the Kennedy administration called his counterpart in the Soviet Union and said his boss wasn’t really going to follow through with threats during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Imagine if one of Obama’s generals alerted Pakistan that we were coming in for Osama bin Laden. Whatever excuses they could possibly make for such hypothetical traitorous actions would still pale in comparison to what General Mark “Benedict” Milley claimed as his reasoning for promising to warn China ahead of a U.S. attack.
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Dan Crenshaw Accuses Biden Administration Of ‘Treason’
(Carmine Sabia) Joe Biden has been accused of “treason” and of providing the Taliban a “hit list” of Americans to set their sights on by Republican Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw.
Danger ahead: 120 retired U.S. military flag officers raise alarm, say constitutional republic is in danger of being taken away by socialists and Marxists
(JD Heyes) It isn’t often that retired U.S. military officers of flag rank (generals and admirals) collectively leap into politics, so when it does happen, it’s wise for every American to pay attention, regardless of political orientation.
25 Insane, Crazy Agendas Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Will Push on America If They Seize Power after Rigging the Elections
(Mike Adams) After rigging the elections and staging the January 6th false flag “riot” at the capitol building in D.C., Democrats have some horrifying plans to roll out in their quest to achieve a full-blown Orwellian nightmare future for America… or at least what’s left of it.
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Situation Update Jan 8th – Trump fighting from secure location, did NOT concede
(Mike Adams) Intel is coming in today from many sources, and I will likely need to post a separate article to cover it all. Importantly, Trump has not conceded anything, and if you parse the words of his most recent video statement, there is absolutely no concession in it and no naming of Joe Biden as president.
Trump Did Not Concede… Lin Wood Explains “Many Traitors” to Be Arrested Shortly… Final List of Confirmed Traitors Acquired Last Night During Congressional Vote
(Mike Adams) Following yesterday’s false flag “storming” of the Capitol Building — staged by left-wing Antifa / BLM instigators who dressed up as MAGA supporters — we witnessed the final act of betrayal against our constitutional republic as members of Congress flipped against truth and voted to accept the fraudulent Biden electors, making Joe Biden the “president-elect.”
Lin Wood Claims VP Mike Pence Faces Arrest for Treason, Execution by Firing Squad
(JOEL B. POLLAK) Attorney L. Lin Wood, who has made some of the boldest claims of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, tweeted Friday that Vice President Mike Pence could face arrest and imprisonment for treason, and execution by firing squad.
Situation Update, Dec. 31st – Game-Changing Bombshells to Be Unveiled Before Congress on January 6
(Mike Adams) In today’s Situation Update for Dec. 31st, we reveal Trump’s plan to unleash bombshell evidence in front of Congress on January 6th, right before Congress votes on which slate of electors to accept. The full podcast is embedded below.
Full List of TRAITOR Media Outlets That Accepted “Sponsored Trips” From Communist China to Oppress the Truth in America: These Are the ENEMIES of the People
(Mike Adams) A stunning list of media outlets that have accepted “sponsored trips” from communist China to suppress the truth (and terrorize their own audiences with fake news lies) has now been published by The National Pulse.
HUGE: Situation Update, Dec. 13th – Trump readies Evidence to Leverage Against Biden, Gen. Perna Announces “Aaccine D-Day… The Beginning of the End”
(Mike Adams) Highlights of today’s Situation Update for Dec. 13th, 2020: (full podcast below)