(Selim Algar) Florida health officials on Wednesday rejected federal guidelines that recommend medical treatments for minors who question their gender.
GROOMER ALERT: School District Grants Funds To Middle School To Pay For Drag Queen Show
(Amber Crawford) A middle school in Bellingham, Washington will be hosting a “Drop-Dead Gorgeous Drag Show”, put on by the students in the Gender Sexuality Alliance Club.
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Mother Claims Son Communicated Being ‘Transgender’ at ‘The Earliest Moment’ He ‘Had Words’
(Ashley Sadler) The mother of a young boy who believes he’s a girl told ABC News her son communicated his alleged transgenderism “at the earliest moment that” he “actually had words and language.”
School Nurse Was Fired for Revealing That Teachers Were Secretly Giving Students Puberty Blockers
(Cullen Mccue) A school nurse in Connecticut was fired after revealing that teachers were secretly giving “gender confused” preteen students puberty blockers behind their parents’ backs. Kathleen Cataford, 77, was suspended by the Hartford School District after going public with the information on social media.
Number of Children Seeking Gender Reassignment Soared by 20 Per Cent During UK Lockdowns
(Kurt Zindulka) The Chinese coronavirus lockdowns in Britain have reportedly coincided with a significant rise in the number of children seeking gender reassignment therapy at the UK’s socialized healthcare system.
Texas Clinic Exposed by YouTuber for Performing Breast Removal Surgery on Children as Young as 12 Years Old
(Amber Crawford) Sydney Watson, an Australian/American journalist and political commentator, has exposed a gender identity clinic in Texas that, until very recently, has been performing double mastectomies on 12-year-olds as part of their pediatric gender transition.
WATCH: Crazy Leftists Make Death Threats… Destroy Young Conservative Event at University [VIDEO]
(Amber Crawford) On Wednesday, March 2, an event held by the Young Conservatives of Texas at the University of North Texas was shut down by radical leftists who demonstrated incredible ignorance and immaturity by throwing temper tantrums, screaming expletives, and threatening the life of a conservative student organizer.
PARENTS OUTRAGED After 6-Year-Old Boy Labeled ‘Transphobic’ By School For Being Confused by ‘Gender Fluid’ Student
(Amber Crawford) A six-year-old boy from England was pulled out of school by his parents in 2017 after being warned by the headmaster that he was in danger of being labeled “transphobic”, and the parents are now calling for a judicial review of the Department of Education.
Why You Should Care About “The Joe Rogan Experience” Scandal
(Bryan Lynch) Joe Rogan is an actor, comedian, podcaster who started his own podcast back in 2011 called, The Joe Rogan Experience. For many years, the podcast was primarily on YouTube. Then YouTube changed their rules in one of their Adpocalypses, and ticked off a bunch of creators on the platform.
California Parents Speak Out After Teachers Brainwash Their 12-Year-Old Child Into Transgenderism, Call CPS on Parents for Using Wrong Pronouns
(Natural News) California parents are speaking out after school teachers brainwashed their 12-year-old child into becoming transgender and allegedly called CPS on them for not referring to their child by certain pronouns.
Left-Wing Lutheran Church Holds Drag Sermon for Children To ‘Reflect on Joy’
(Calvin Freiburger) The event took place at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church of Logan Square in Chicago, which advertises a heavy ‘social justice’ bent.
UK Media Hyping Fear Against Unvaccinated, but 71% of Covid Patients Are Jabbed
(Will Jones) An article appeared in the Guardian this week written by an anonymous National Health Service (NHS) respiratory consultant claiming that “in hospital, COVID-19 has largely become a disease of the unvaccinated.”
VIDEO: Libs Now Think ‘Demon’ Is A Gender, Make Up Pronouns For It
(Andrew White) Two millennials posted a video online instructing their audience on how to properly use their “demon pronouns.”
Alaska Airlines Fired Flight Attendants for Saying Democrat Transgender Bill Harms Women
(Greg Piper) EEOC complaints say union refused to defend their employment rights against religious discrimination, “disparaged” their Christian beliefs.
Transgenderism: Perception and Reality are Two Different Things
(Michael J. Mueller) Several weeks ago I read that singer Demi Lovato came out as non-binary and would be using pronouns they/them to describe herself . . . wait . . . to describe themselves, or them, or they . . . or . . . you get the drift! I’m guessing non-binary means that she is not two people, a definition I can get behind; but, why then does she call herself them? I’m thinking my definition of non-binary may be contrary to what it actually means. My sexagenarian mind finds it difficult to wrap around these concepts because, when I was young, we only had two genders – male and female. Today, according to Dude Asks, apparently the definitive authority on gender, there are upwards of 112 different genders ranging from “Neutrois” to “Verangender.”