(100 Percent Fed Up) The Sad Truth About “Transitional” Regret…
IS BIOLOGICAL MALE DOMINATION of Women’s Sports Coming To An End? International Rugby League Is Latest To Tell Men To Stay Off Women’s Playing Field
(100 Percent Fed Up) The International Rugby League (IRL) has banned transgender athletes from participating in women’s sporting events.
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Swimming’s World Governing Body Slaps Total Ban on Transgender Athletes
(Paul Joseph Watson) They will have to compete in a separate category.
Caitlyn Jenner Attacked For Saying Transgender Swimming Ban Is “Fair”
(Steve Watson) “If you go through male puberty you should not be able to take medals away from females.”
Biden Goes On Incoherent Rant Slamming ‘Ultra MAGA’ Laws That Protect Children From Groomers
(Adam Wilson) Biden condemned the elusive ‘ultra-MAGA’ movement today after a spate of laws have been passed this year preventing transgender people from competing in sports for their preferred gender and DeSantis Parental Rights in Education law, what critics have dubbed the ‘Don’t Say Gay Bill’.
DeSantis Suggests State May ‘Deal With’ Parents Who Take Children to Sexualized Drag Queen Shows
(Just the News) Nationwide debate erupted after videos surfaced of kids watching sexualized performances in Texas.
Families of Trans Kids Are Suing Texas To Halt Child Abuse Investigations For Providing Sex-Change Therapies For Minors
(Michael Robison) The families of kids undergoing gender transition treatments in the state of Texas are suing in hopes of stopping potential investigations into child abuse related to the life-altering “therapies.”
NYC Spends Over $200k to Fund Drag Events in Public Schools
(Paul Aubert) “Drag Story NYC” has performed 49 events across 34 elementary, middle, and high schools over the past 6 months
Biden Admin Holding Children’s Lunch Money Hostage to Force Schools to Push Transgenderism
(Andrew Jose, The Western Journal) The Biden administration is holding lunch money for schools hostage to secure concessions on LGBT issues, conservative advocacy group Fight for Schools said.
Milwaukee School Counselor Under Investigation for Opposition to Transgender Ideology
(Benjamin Yount) State agency says investigation will “determine if there is probable cause to support allegations of immoral conduct.”
Corporations Drop From Transgender Youth Program Partners Page After State Farm Exit
(Greg Piper) More than 200 corporations — and five government entities — are indirectly tied to GenderCool Project through their partnerships with LGBTQ workplace group.
Indiana Legislature Enacts Transgender Ban for Girls’ Sports, Overriding Governor’s Veto
(Sophie Mann) GOP Gov. Eric Holcomb vetoed the bill in March.
HYSTERICAL! Comedian Ricky Gervais Sets the Woke Mob’s Hair On Fire With Hilarious Skit About Trans People [VIDEO]
(Patty McMurray) Last night, in his Netflix comedy special debut, the courageous comedian who refuses to allow his words to be censored by the woke mob let loose on several topics the Left has deemed taboo, including the truth about the biology of “trans” people.
Maher: ‘We’re Literally Experimenting on Children’ with Gender Transitions for Children
(Ian Hanchett) On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher argued that the solution in the debate over gender transitioning for children “can’t always be that anyone from a marginalized community is automatically right,” “Because we’re literally experimenting on children.” And “Weighing trade-offs is not bigotry.” He further argued, “If we can’t admit that, in certain enclaves, there is some level of trendiness to the idea of being anything other than straight, then this is not a serious, science-based discussion, it’s a blow being struck in the culture wars using children as cannon fodder.”
Video: Psaki Doubles Down, Declares Teachers Should Be Talking To Five-Year-Olds About Gender Identity
(Steve Watson) “What do you do if a parent or a kid, should I say a kid, in one of these elementary schools says, ‘What about Sally, Sally has two moms?’ or ‘I’m not sure if I’m a girl or a boy?’”