(Cassandra Fairbanks) Governor Greg Abbott and the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) have determined that transgender surgeries being performed on children is abuse and violates state law.
Vax Woke: Can an Unvaccinated Person in America Simply “Self-identify” As a Vaccinated Person, Without Ever Risking a Deadly Covid Jab?
(S.D. Wells) What if you “personally identify” or “self-identify” as someone who has taken the Covid vaccine, but you haven’t, does that qualify as vaccinated? Why not? If anyone can now simply switch from being a man to a woman (by simply putting on some high heels and lipstick), then you can also switch from non-vaccinated to vaccinated by personally declaring it, since there’s no science behind either to make them so. The Leftists don’t believe in biology at all, so that means according to their logic you can simply “believe” you now have the biology of someone who got vaccinated for Covid.
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Virginia School Board Rejects State’s New Transgender Student Policy Guidance
(Daniel Payne) Members also voted down critical race theory curriculum.
SICK: Woman Gives Horrifying Account of Naked Transgender ‘Woman’ Showing Pre-Op Genitalia to Her 6-Year-Old Daughter at Los Angeles Spa
(NWO Report) A woman has come forward anonymously to detail her horrifying account of a naked “transgender” woman (a.k.a. a biological man) showing his genitalia to her 6-year-old daughter at a Los Angeles spa.
American Transgender Runner Ruled Ineligible for This Years Olympic Trials Over World Athletics Testosterone Rule
(Erin Coates) A transgender runner has been ruled ineligible to compete in the Olympic trials because he did not meet the World Athletics’ testosterone requirements.
Leftist Ghouls May Desecrate J.R.R. Tolkien, But His Ideas Will Live Forever While Theirs Are Already Dead
(Nathanael Blake) Tolkien’s books are timeless because they present a vision of goodness and beauty, far better than what is offered today by those appropriating his greatness to serve the latest intellectual fashions.
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Male Weightlifter Will Become First Transgender To Compete At The Olympics’ In A Woman’s Event
(We Love Trump) This is the beginning of the end for women’s sports. A biological male weightlifter will become the first transgender athlete to compete in the Olympics as a woman.
Biden Reportedly Planning to Intervene as Governors Stand Up to Protect Kids from Transgender Craze
(Andrew Thornebrooke) Whether it be at home, school or the doctor’s office, Republican leaders have been working tirelessly this year to protect children from being given life-altering surgeries and medications, and to prevent men who identify as women from competing in women’s sports.
Evangelical Lutherans Elect First Transgender Bishop
(Anthony T) The apostasy happening within the church continues…
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Men in Women’s Sports Get Huge Boost as NCAA ‘Unequivocally’ Supports Transgender Athletes
(Kipp Jones) The left-wing National Collegiate Athletic Association threw female athletes under the bus in a statement on Monday, announcing that self-described transgender athletes are “unequivocally” supported by the organization.
255 ‘Transgender’ Inmates Request Transfer to Women’s Prisons after California Passes New Law
(Erin Coates) Hundreds of male inmates in California who identify as female have requested to be transferred to a women’s prison since a new law went into effect on the first of the year allowing them to make that choice.
Trans Reddit Mod Under Fire for Inviting Minors to Their Home for Hormone Shots, Behind Parents Backs
(Assistant Editor) Trans Reddit moderator Ianna Drew Urquhart is facing scrutiny for allegedly having minors come to their apartment to take hormones and puberty blockers — apparently without their parent’s knowledge or consent.
Prominent Colorado Christian Baker Sued Again, This Time for Refusing to Make Gender ‘Transition’ Cake
(The Federalist Papers) Jack Phillips is back in court, and every American has a stake in the outcome.
Trans-supremacy Hits Beauty Pageants as Biological Male Wins Miss Nevada USA
(Scarlett Madison) There’s a reason true feminists are so opposed to the transgender agenda. They realize it’s not about equality. It’s about supremacy.
Children Need Protection from Transgender Activists
(Wen Wryte) Transgender ideology is a threat to children, and also to their right to childhood. Childhood should be a time of innocence and learning to grow into an emotionally well-adjusted, intellectually competent, morally capable adult. Transgender activists seek to sexualize and politicize children long before puberty, telling them they have a right to transition even though their bodies and minds are not fully-formed, and against their parents‘ objections.