(News Editors) YouTube quietly blacklisted R. Kelly on Tuesday, just days after the singer vowed to expose a Hollywood pedophile ring as part of a sentencing deal with prosecutors.
HUGE UPDATE: Voter Integrity Groups are Analyzing Video Evidence of Ballot Trafficking on Massive Scale in Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan
(Jim Hoft) Radio host John Fredericks joined Steve Bannon earlier this month to discuss an EXPLOSIVE development in Georgia.
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Kids Are Turning to Blackmarket Sex-Change Hormones for Secret Transitions
(Humans Are Free) As the number of children identifying as transgender skyrockets — over 4000% in the United Kingdom — experts are beginning to highlight the fact that the relentless promotion and mainstreaming of gender identity theory is triggering a social phenomenon.
Judge’s Son Admits to 35 Counts of Trafficking Child Porn Involving Infants, Gets NO JAIL
(Matt Agorist) Butler County, PA — In the land of the free, there are two sets of justice systems — one for all those connected to that system, and one for everyone else. Time after time, we’ve seen police officers and politicians alike accused of terrible crimes and they escape with little to no jail. As the following case illustrates, even family members of the connected class are extended this privilege and escape accountability for even the most heinous of crimes.
Good News For Earth’s Lungs As Indigenous Amazon Group Wins Illegal Tree Logging Case
(Anthony McLennan) After a prolonged two decade long fight, Brazil’s Ashaninka indigenous Amazon community have won a federal court battle against illegal logging industries. Related New Satellite Data Says Amazon Deforestation At Worst Levels In Ten Years Source – Truth Theory by Anthony McLennan, May 17th, 2020 The Ashaninka people are to receive compensation of […]
Little Barbies: Sex Trafficking of Young Girls [and Boys] Is America’s Dirty Little Secret
(John W. Whitehead) Sex trafficking—especially when it comes to the buying and selling of young girls—has become big business in America, the fastest growing business in organized crime and the second most-lucrative commodity traded illegally after drugs and guns. Related Who or What is the Whore of Babylon — Exposing the Cabal’s Global Child Abuse Network | Blackmail via Pedophilia, Banking, […]
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Dead Male Prostitute, Piles of Meth Found in Clinton Mega-Donor’s Home—NO ARRESTS
(Matt Agorist) A high-profile millionaire donor to Hillary Clinton was found with a dead prostitute in his home, with witnesses saying he kidnapped him, and drugs and paraphernalia everywhere and no one has been charged. Related Here’s Why There’s No More Free Passes For The Clinton Foundation Source – The Free Thought Project by Matt Agorist, February 14th, […]
Horrifying Report Shows Child Sex Trafficking is Fastest Growing Crime Business in America
(Rutherford Institute) “It’s become more lucrative and much safer to sell malleable teens than drugs or guns. A pound of heroin or an AK-47 can be retailed once, but a young girl can be sold 10 to 15 times a day,” notes the report on trafficking.
(Video) Exposed: The Clinton’s and the CIA, Trafficking Cocaine — Documentary
(Operation Disclosure) The Clinton family have been heavily involved in the trafficking of drugs, both inside and outside of the United States. Arkansas home of the Mena airport, a major pick up and drop off location for drug shipments handled by the CIA. In fact, it is estimated by U.S. customs that at least 75% of […]
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Rescued ‘Sex Slave’ Reveals How She Was Sold to Up and Coming Political Elite as a Child
(Matt Agorist) A victim of sex trafficking is speaking out and exposing how the up and coming political elite horrifically abused her as a child. Related: The Secret Multi-billion Dollar Industry: Sex Trafficking in America Is on the Rise According to Incarcerated Pimp Source – TheFreeThoughtProject by Matt Agorist, January 2nd, 2018 Adult and child sex […]