(Shem El-Jamal) The principle which Q Anon has repeatedly stated over time appears to be holding true. In numerous cases over the past several months, future is, in fact, proving past.
the shift
Watch This New Technology in China That Converts Desert Into Productive Land Rich With Crops
(Anne) Many have hailed the the greening of the vast Kubuqi Desert as a model for land restoration projects everywhere. It can certainly help us understand that we do have the potential to resurrect this amazing planet!
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David Wilcock Update: Stunning New Briefings: Spy Satellites Down, Deep State Arrests Finally Imminent?
(David Wilcock) Six different insider sources have confirmed that several spy satellites and computer systems for the Deep State have been blinded… in a stunning attack.
There is widespread agreement among these insider sources that some sort of major, visible action against this genocidal, globalist entity is now impending.
Three of these insider sources are only speaking to us at this time, at least in terms of any public figures they communicate with.
The Luciferian Vatican Empire is Imploding
(Geopolitics) The Pennsylvania attorney general has disclosed that the Vatican hierarchy is fully of the massive cover-up of dozens of sex crimes against over 1,000 children in dioceses within that State alone. But as despicable as it is, this is just one of many unfavorable disclosures made against the Vatican.
Articles Supporting Q Anon Breadcrumbs
Related QAnon Reveals Deep State Nazi Connection & Attempt to Foment US Russia War Source – Deus Nexus Has Steele “Russian” Dossier Collusion Been Identified? Source: Activist Post | by Catherine J. Frompovich How much more will the mainstream, lamestream media NOT report regarding “Russiagate”? Chris Farrell, Director of Investigations at Judicial Watch, was interviewed on August 24, 2018 by Lou […]
It Begins: Russia Officially Announces ‘Time Has Come…To Get Rid of the Dollar’
(Matt Agorist) In a retaliatory move to the growing list of sanctions placed on Russia by the U.S., the country has announced it will “get rid of the dollar.”
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State Senate Passes Landmark Bill to Erase Criminal Records of People Arrested for Cannabis
(John Vibes) A bill passed the Senate in California which would retroactively wipe away cannabis convictions and give people back their lives.
Mistrust of Mainstream Media Reaches Breaking Point
(Richard Enos) Ah, it’s a good time to be working in alternative media — at least that part of alternative media whose sole and unabashed goal is to reveal the truth behind the veil of deception.
Lord Jacob Rothschild Issues Warning: The New World Order is in Jeopardy
(Zero Hedge) Over the past three years, an unexpected voice of caution has emerged from one of the most legendary families in finance: Lord Jacob Rothschild.
QAnon Going Viral (and MSM is Beginning To Panic)
(David Nova) With the very public exposure of QAnon supporters at the Tampa Trump rally, the MSM is on red alert. Will MSM inadvertently provide massive public exposure to QAnon intel drops? Things just got interesting!
Q Anon Decoded | EVERY TripCode & UserID Used by Q Anon Points to a Book — Brief Analysis of Q Anon
(Justin Deschamps) The Q Anon phenomenon is giving the awakening masses a renewed sense of hope that sweeping changes to our planetary situation are on the horizon. Q Anon appears to be working closely with an alliance of high-level deep state white hats, those who have slowly and carefully infiltrated the darker circles of power of this world and are now capitalizing on their positions of authority. The mainstream media and skeptics assert that Q is nothing but a LARP or a live-action role play, a kind of elaborate prank. But as one begins to explore the now prolific amount of information pouring through Q on internet forums like 4chan and 8chan, it becomes clear that this is likely no hoax from the hands a few bored basement dwellers.
The EU Just Surrendered To Trump, Handing Americans A Huge Win – MSM Left With Jaws In Hand
(David Cohen) Moments ago President Donald Trump strode into the Rose Garden with Jean-Claude Juncker President of the European Commission where, together, they announced the elimination of tariffs on industrialized goods.
Oklahoma Senator Pleads Guilty to Child Sex Trafficking and Child Porn
(Matt Agorist) After being caught red-handed in an act of child sex trafficking and in possession of horrific child porn, an Oklahoma senator is scheduled to be sentenced in September.
Time Magazine: Q is One of 25 Most Influential People on the Internet in 2018
(Time Magazine) Time Magazine has included Q as one of the 25 Most Influential Internet people.
What Happens When Mass Arrests Start? — Anna Von Reitz on Q Anon and the Plan
(Anna Von Reitz) Several people have sent me links to an excellent recent post on YouTube by Q Anon, telling us about a gallant “Plan” by agencies and military personnel to counteract the fraud and criminality which has infested our world and our government. I can only hope and pray that everything “Q” references is 100% true and effective.