(Matt Agorist) Last month, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made headlines with a blunder of epic proportions. According to a report by the Food and Drug Administration, two of the three CDC laboratories in Atlanta that created the coronavirus test kits violated their own manufacturing standards, resulting in the agency sending tests that did not work to nearly all of the 100 state and local public health labs. What’s more, the CDC was found to be sending out tests contaminated with the actual virus.
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Punishing Goodness? Watch as Pastor is Fined $1,200 for “Violating” Social Distancing to Feed the Homeless
(Matt Agorist) As TFTP reported earlier this month, in an act of “civil disobedience” Dr. Armen Henderson, a medical doctor at the University of Miami, defied the government’s stay at home order to fight the coronavirus pandemic on the front lines — and not in the safety of a hospital. The doctor took to the streets of Miami late last month to provide a much needed service and test the city’s homeless population for COVID-19.
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‘Pedophile Hunter’ Catches Police Chief Trying to Have Sex With 14-Year-Old Boy
(Matt Agorist) A police chief in Stow, Massachusetts has been pulled from his job as the city’s top cop after video by a self-declared pedophile hunter was posted online. The video allegedly shows the cop attempt to meet a boy — who the chief knew was only 14 — for sex. Instead of meeting the boy, however, the chief was confronted by Predator Poachers Massachusetts.
Updated: GOP Senator Caught Insider Trading After He Misled Americans About COVID-19
(Robert Faturechi and Derek Willis) Intelligence Chair Richard Burr’s selloff came around the time he was receiving daily briefings on the health threat.
5 Ways You Can Help Your Fellow Humans During The Coronavirus Madness
(Matt Agorist) On Monday, the Federal government implemented sweeping recommendations, bans, and of course, bailouts for the rich. State and local governments then quickly followed suit and began to shut down restaurants, bars, gyms, churches, and other areas in which larger groups gather. Primary elections are being suspended, millions of people are locked down, and curfews and police state actions are getting closer on the horizon.
Congress Now Funding ‘Controversial’ Geoengineering ‘Plan B’ to Spray Particles in the Sky to Cool Earth
(Matt Agorist) It was reported this month that the top climate change scientist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has received $4 million in funding from Congress along with permission to study two highly controversial geoengineering methods in an attempt to cool the Earth.
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What’s Going On? More Than 4 Times as Many Police Officers Killed Themselves Than Were Shot in 2019
(Justin Deschamps) These days, the police catch a lot of flack. I understand why, as various constabularies enforce Deep State polices that abrogate individual rights. But from a human level, I would argue a lot of police offers joined the force because they genuinely wanted to protect and serve their communities. So what happens when, with innocent eyes, you join a corrupt institution and you discover, after having invested yourself fully, that instead of helping people you’re actually hurting them all the time, almost every day, and it’s part of the standard operating procedure? Do you think this would be devastating?
Atlanta Police Make Monumental Move, Disband Entire Drug Unit to Focus on Actual Crime
(Matt Agorist) In one of the most revolutionary moves we’ve reported on to date, the Atlanta Police Department announced this week that they are disbanding their narcotics unit so they can fight actual violent crime. This move is both revolutionary and heartening and is another nail in the war on drugs’ coffin.
As Americans Distracted by Impeachment, Congress Silently Killed Cannabis Reform—Despite Support
(Matt Agorist) In case you have been under a rock, Donald Trump is getting impeached. He is not getting impeached for invading countries on false pretenses, engineering coups to overthrow democratically elected governments in foreign countries, sending weapons to the largest state sponsor of terror in the world, or massively increasing the surveillance state—all of which is provable.
Bombshell: CNBC Anchor Admits Building 7 Brought Down in ‘Controlled Implosion’
(Matt Agorist) On September 11, 2001, at 5:20 p.m., World Trade Center Building 7 suddenly collapsed into its own footprint, falling at free fall speed for 2.5 seconds of its seven-second complete destruction. WTC 7 was not hit by a plane. After it collapsed, Americans were told that office fires caused a unique — never before seen — complete architectural failure leading to the building collapsing into its own footprint at the rate of gravity.
Assange Rape Case DROPPED: Sweden Abandons Probe That Led to His Asylum in UK
(RT) Swedish prosecutors will not pursue their rape investigation of WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange any further, they announced, having successfully fulfilled their role in the years-long scheme to put Assange behind bars.
In a Historic Move, Vote to Federally Legalize Marijuana to Take Place in Congress—This Week
(Matt Agorist) As countless individuals across the land of the free are rotting in cages for possessing a plant deemed illegal by the government, a historical bill is making its way through Congress that could change everything. A congressional committee reportedly plans to vote on a bill this week that would end the federal prohibition of marijuana.
In a Historic Move, Largest-Ever Number of Drug Offenders Set Free From Prison
(Matt Agorist) In what is being called the largest-ever single day of commutations in the history of the United States, hundreds of non-violent drug offenders and other low-level non-violent offenders are being set free from Oklahoma prisons on Monday.
ABC News Anchor Admits to Covering Up the Truth About Jeffrey Epstein and How He Was Killed
(Matt Agorist) ABC News has responded to the Veritas video, saying “at the time, not all of our reporting met our standards to air, but we have never stopped investigating the story. Ever since we’ve had a team on this investigation and substantial resources dedicated to it. That work has led to a two-hour documentary and a 6-part podcast that will air in the new year.”
School to Prison Pipeline Exposed as 30,000 Kids Under Age 10 Arrested Since 2013
(Jack Burns) Arrests of children have skyrocketed over the last decade according to the latest statistics published by the FBI. Gone are the days of sending children to the principal’s office for a paddling. Now children as young as 6 are getting arrested in Police State USA.