(John Morse) Your home is your sanctuary. And not just yours — it’s also where your most beloved ones live. Memories are made in the home. From the smell of your significant other’s signature holiday dish to the familiar sound of your dog barking to greet you home, home truly is where the heart is.
the event chronicle
Scientists Confirmed That People Are Capable of Absorbing Energy From Others
(Wonderneed) A biological research team at Bielefeld University has made a groundbreaking discovery showing that plants can draw an alternative source of energy from other plants. This finding could also have a major impact on the future of bioenergy eventually providing the evidence to show that people draw energy from others in much the same way.
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Hollywood Actor-Writer-Producer, Isaac Kappy: “It’s Worse Than You Think, Pedos Are REAL”
The Event Chronicle Editor’s Note: Last night I spent a couple of hours reading and researching Neon Revolt’s lengthy article on Hollywood insider and whistleblower ‘Renegade‘ who’s been dropping explosive information about Hollywood on the Chans over the past couple of days.
COBRA | Notes from Cobra’s Ascension Conference in Budapest
(Felipe Pinto) Here I share, dear ones, my notes about the Budapest Ascension Conference with Cobra on the 14th and 15th of April 2018.
‘The Event’ – What’s Really Happening & What You Need To Know About It
(Joe Martino) You probably have been hearing about ‘The Event’, in articles, vlogs and conversation. All around the internet are preparing people for what some are calling the ascension event that will suddenly wake everyone up and end all of the cabal behavior on the planet.
Is Gold The Biggest Fraud In History? (video)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tB2IYja8I3Q _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com with the error, headline and url. Thank you for reading. _______ Source: http://www.theeventchronicle.com/finanace/gold-biggest-fraud-history/#
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Wall Street and the Nazi Cartels: What the CIA Tried to Suppress
(James Stewart Martin) The story of German industry before World War II should sound increasingly familiar to Americans. Industries are being consolidated and a few wealthy men are holding the reins. Related: Mainstream Media Confirm Dalai Lama is a CIA Asset Source – The Event Chronicle by James Stewart Martin, October 24th, 2017 That alone makes the book […]
The Deep State’s Use of Pedophilia as a Means of Compromising Individuals and Controlling Them
(The Event Chronicle) In October 2016, with the contest for U.S. president heating up for the November 8 vote, thousands of emails damaging to the Clinton campaign were released on Wikileaks. Shocking evidence of political corruption involving the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Campaign, and the campaign’s manager, John Podesta (among many other parties), emerged. An unprecedented collusion […]
City of London’s Ownership of American Colonies
(SARTRE) The misplaced reverence to the ill formulated U.S Constitution and hidden subjugation back to the City of London is one aspect of history that is not taught in government schools or discussed in institutes of higher education. This subject is probably new to most observers of the legacy from the Founding Father’s biggest mistake. Regular […]
Super-intense Magnetic Field at the Center of Every Galaxy
(Jamal S. Shrair) What is present at the center of every galaxy or any larger scale structure is not a super-massive black hole, but an ultra-intense magnetic field. The intensity of magnetic field at that location is so enormous (at least several billion Gauss) and the field intensity is far higher in Spiral galaxies and Quasars. […]
CNN’s Primary News Anchor Exposed With Ties To The CIA & The OSS
(Arjun Walia) The CIA’s connections to mainstream media are well documented. Take Operation Mockingbird, for example, a program developed by the agency to infiltrate mainstream media and feed them stories that suit the narrative of the agency, for ‘national security’ purposes. It was actually birthed out of the Office for Strategic Services (OSS), which, during the […]
Why have 137 UFO investigators have died in a ten-year period? (Video)
(The Event Chronicle) The government killing off anyone who gets near to the truth about UFOs may be just a perfect conspiracy theory, but some people sincerely believe it. As proof, they referred to growing list of people who had died due to alleged accidents and suicides. Related: The Calm, Top News, UFO Debunked | S0 News […]
The Alien Observatory: “Artificial Intelligence Is Already Out There, and It’s Billions of Years Old”
(Event Chronicle) Susan Schneider of the University of Connecticut and the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton is one of the few thinkers—outside the realm of science fiction— that have considered the notion that artificial intelligence is already out there, and has been for eons. “I do not believe that most advanced alien civilizations will be […]
CIA Documents States: 3 UFO’s Seen Hovering above Military Bases at Antarctica
(Ivan Petricevic) Antarctica Flying Saucers: flying saucers have been seen flying over Deception Island for two hours by Argentine, Chilean and British bases (military) in Antarctica. The flying saucers were also seen flying in formation over the South Orkney Islands. Related: The Occult Extraterrestrial War – America’s Secret Space Fleet Source – The Event Chronicle by Ivan Petricevic, […]
The Big Egyptian Sphinx Cover Up: Hidden Chambers, An Unexcavated Mound and Endless Denial
(Malcom Hutton) In 1935, Egypt was still the main draw for archaeologists digging for answers. It was hardly more than a decade since the British Egyptologist Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamen on November 4, 1922, that had lain nearly undisturbed for over 3,000 years. Yet that is another amazing story still to be investigated. […]