(Ancient Code) “…He said it sounded just like people talking back and forth to each other. He made notes saying that he was actually hearing intelligent beings from another planet talking to each other, although he didn’t know what language they were speaking. But he still felt he understood them…” Related How Nikola Tesla Used […]
Scientists at Stanford Are Turning Tesla’s Global Wireless Power Grid Into Reality
(Josie Wales) Scientists at Stanford University have figured out how to wirelessly transmit electricity between moving objects, overcoming previous limitations and possibly bringing Nikola Tesla’s vision of a global wireless power grid closer to reality. Related 13-Year-Old Invents Tesla Inspired Free Energy Device for Under $15 Source – The Antimedia by Josie Wales, June 23rd, […]
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New Majestic Document Corroborates Historic UFO Best Seller
(Dr. Michael Salla) The newly released Majestic-12 briefing document (“Assessment of the Situation”) contains much information about the beginning of diplomatic relations between the US government and human looking extraterrestrial visitors that began after the famed 1948 Aztec flying saucer incident. Part one of this series discussed the document’s content explaining how a surviving adult […]
New Majestic Document Reveals US Diplomatic Relations with Extraterrestrials
(Dr. Michael Salla) A new leaked Majestic-12 document was released on June 14 which describes a variety of extraterrestrial related encounters with humanity. This document includes claims that Nikola Tesla’s pioneering radio broadcasts into outer space in the late 1800’s alerted distant extraterrestrials to humanity’s existence, which led to them traveling to our planet, and […]
How Nikola Tesla Harnessed The Power Of Niagara Falls
(Kalee Brown) Can you imagine if we were still walking around at night using candles to light our way, or heating our homes only by fire? Sure, it’s romantic and nostalgic to do that once in a while, but at the end of the day, society would look extremely different without the use of electricity. […]
Biographer Claims Nikola Tesla Was Contacted by Aliens
(Brett Tingley) For a number of reasons, Serbian-American inventor and futurist Nikola Tesla has become synonymous with government cover-ups, corporate intrigue, and near-mystical technological wizardry. Today, many conspiracy theories surround Tesla’s work and legacy, most of which involve allegations that the U.S. government confiscated most of the personal records and journals Tesla kept while inventing the future. While there […]
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The Reality of Free Energy (Video)
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Jordan Sather, a guest writer for Stillness in the Storm, produced this short informative video about Free Energy technology, pulling from acknowledged historical data points. It is a good video to introduce the topic with friends and family who might not be aware. – Justin https://youtu.be/Q84zuHjjuww Related Articles and Updates by Jordan Sather Related History […]
Nikola Tesla’s 5 Lost Inventions That Threatened the Global Elite
(Vandita) Most great inventions fundamentally change the society in which they exist. Since the people at the top of the social structure have more to gain by reinforcing the status quo, they suppress revolutionary technologies favorable to the world but dangerous to their existence. Source – Collective Evolution by Vandita, November 2nd, 2015 Engineering genius Nikola […]
Winter Solstice, Mayan Calendar & The Shift in Consciousness: How They’re All Connected
(Luke Miller) There has been a real buildup to today in the last few months. So much has been going on numerologically and astrologically that I have missed a chunk of it on the conscious level. However, I have certainly been feeling it, and chances are if you are reading this, you have too. Related Galactic Alignment […]
Mass Mind Control Grid and the Basis of False Channeling and Contact? — The Russian Woodpecker: Experiments in Global Mind Control? | Psychotronics, Weather Weapons and Tesla Technology
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Several alleged whistleblowers and insiders have said that a control grid exists on the Earth that is capable of manipulating the minds of human beings. This claim is supported by declassified documents, anecdotal accounts, and technology and science advances already disclosed to the public, linked below The degree of this […]
Free Energy Generator Based on the Work of Nikola Tesla (Video)
Source – Energy Fanatics by Pao Chang, October 26th 2016 This is a very interesting video that shows a free energy generator built based on some of Nikola Tesla’s inventions and teachings. This overunity energy generator does not need any fuel to work and has the ability to harness the energy of the environment. In […]
FBI Finally Releases Tesla Documents on Death Ray, Ball Lightning and More (Pdf)
Source – The Free Thought Project by Claire Bernish, September 23rd 2016 At long last, the FBI has released its document cache of files containing information on Nikola Tesla, including his inventions like death ray and ball lightning, as well as how the government obtained his notes and memos following his death. Tesla, an inventor […]
Download ALL of Nikola Tesla’s PATENTS (pdf)
Source – Ancient Code by Ivan, August 2016 Have you ever wanted to go through all of Nikola Tesla’s patents? This is your opportunity to immerse yourself in the world and mind of Nikola Tesla and go through all of his patents. Download all of Tesla’s inventions and go through the work of the man […]
Tesla’s Anti-Gravity Research in Use in Dozens of Secretive Military Projects
Source – Waking Science by Christina Sarich, August 15th 2016 Doctor Richard Boylan, and numerous others have already let the cat out of the bag when it comes to anti-gravity space flight, so why do Boeing and Lockheed, two of America’s largest military industrial contractors, and the recipient of trillions in tax payer ‘black budget’ dollars […]
Discernment Case Study: The Awakening Community was Deceived | This Man Cracked Tesla’s Secrets so the Internet Had Him “Killed”
Jim Murray Holding a Newspaper from December 12, 2015, to prove he did not die in September. (Stillness in the Storm Editor) The is article is a follow up to Ground Breaking Discovery: Man Solves Tesla’s Secret to Amplifying Power by Nearly 5000%. The article mentioned above went viral shortly after it was published in September […]