(The AI Organizaton) This is the most significant and important lawsuit of the 21st century, and it impacts the entire world. CEO’s and Founders Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Sergey Brin, Larry Page and Sandar Pichai are also named as defendants along with their companies.
Tesla Science: The Story of Otis T. Carr – The Man Who Supposedly Invented An ‘Anti-Gravity’ Vehicle In The 1950s
(Arjun Walia) It’s astonishing to me how the topic of anti-gravity is still be placed in the “conspiracy theory” realm. This isn’t the stuff of conspiracy theories or “fringe” science, it’s a field full of reputable scientists and scholars, and real-world examples that have come not only from hard evidence but from extremely credible witness testimony as well. One thing is for certain when talking about such topics: one must delve into the black budget world.
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Nikola Tesla’s “Black Box”: A Free Energy Device That Powered His Car
(Gerry Vassilatos) The following recital on Tesla’s work with Radiant Energy is an excerpt from the book: Secrets of Cold War Technology by Gerry Vassilatos (pages 86-93)
Lucid Dreaming: The Secret of Tesla & Einstein’s Greatest Discoveries
Lucid Dreaming: The Secret of Tesla & Einstein’s Greatest Discoveries
We’ve Found The Magic Frequency (This Will Revolutionize Our Future)
We’ve Found The Magic Frequency (This Will Revolutionize Our Future)
Nikola Tesla & The Power of Intuition
Nikola Tesla & The Power of Intuition
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Nikola Tesla Greatest Secret — The One Thing He Said That Nobody Mentions
Nikola Tesla Greatest Secret — The One Thing He Said That Nobody Mentions
Were Tesla’s Ideas about Free Energy and Communication with Aliens Exploited by His Enemies?
(Corbin Black) In 2019, Serbian-American Nikola Tesla has never been more famous or appreciated, yet in his day he was ridiculed as a mad scientist. Why? As anyone who has ever explored the idea of extraterrestrial life knows, it can be a taboo subject of scorn by mainstream society. That’s changing rapidly, as the US government has finally admitted that the study of unidentified aerial phenomena is ongoing and progressed to official changes in reporting procedures.
In 1926 Nikola Tesla “Predicted And Described” The Smartphone
(Mayukh Saha) If there was ever a fortune teller in the field of technology, it was Nikola Tesla (1856-1943). He had an eerily accurate vision which direction modern technology was headed. Even as far back as in 1926, Tesla knew that people around the world would be communicating wirelessly in the future. And it only took eighty years for humanity to prove him right.
Tesla 3 6 9 Day: Nikola Tesla’s 5 Lost Inventions That Threatened The Global Elite
(Vandita) Most great inventions fundamentally change the society in which they exist. Since the people at the top of the social structure have more to gain by reinforcing the status quo, they suppress revolutionary technologies favorable to the world but dangerous to their existence.
Nikola Tesla’s Unique Personal Philosophy and Eccentric Lifestyle Helped Shape His Greatness
(Elizabeth DeVille) With more than 300 patents, the inventions and accomplishments of Nikola Tesla are well-known, but most people are completely unfamiliar with the man behind these innovations. Who was this technological genius?
The Man Who Was Sentenced To 14 Years For Making ‘Anti-Gravity’ Vehicles
(Arjun Walia) It’s astonishing to me how the topic of anti-gravity is still be placed in the “conspiracy theory” realm. This isn’t the stuff of conspiracy theories or “fringe” science, it’s a field full of reputable scientists and scholars, and real-world examples that have come not only from hard evidence but from extremely credible witness testimony as well. One thing is for certain when talking about such topics: one must delve into the black budget world.
Secret Weapons Of Nikola Tesla – Power To The People
(The Others) The man of the 20th century. Many might still not know who he was, but his name surely rings a bell, and they are certainly familiar with his incredible inventions.
Tesla Technology Has Been Revived
Tesla Technology Has Been Revived
Did Trump’s Uncle Tell Him about Missing Tesla Papers & Flying Saucers?
(Dr. Michael Salla) President Donald Trump’s uncle, John G. Trump, was a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) from 1936 until his retirement in 1973. It is well known that declassified documents confirm that in January 1943 Professor Trump was called upon by the FBI to evaluate the personal papers of Nikola Tesla just over a week after his death. What is not well known is that there is also a leaked classified document that also connects Professor Trump to another famous event in US history – the crash of a flying saucer at Roswell in 1947.