(Matt Agorist) Since January 6, 2020, police state-worshiping politicians have been chomping at the bit to expand the police state in the name of “Domestic Terrorism.” In true tyrannical fashion, on Wednesday they finally got what they wanted as the House passed the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act in a purely partisan vote.
Biden To Remove 5 Extremist Groups From Foreign Terrorist List
(Ryan Saavedra) Democrat President Joe Biden is reportedly set to remove five extremist groups from the official Foreign Terrorist Organization list.
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Elon Musk Responds to Verified Liberal Calling for Terrorism Against SCOTUS Justices, ‘Twitter Obv Has a Strong Left Wing Bias’
(Cassandra Fairbanks) Twitter’s soon-to-be owner Elon Musk has responded to a tweet from Mike Cernovich highlighting a verified liberal calling for terrorism against conservative Supreme Court justices by saying that the platform obviously “has a strong left wing bias.”
Can’t Make This Up: Fake News CNN Warns the Far Right Is Calling for Violence Following Leaked Roe v. Wade Decision… Is Chris Wray’s FBI Plotting Again?
(Jim Hoft) Leftists are out protesting tonight outside the homes of conservative US Supreme Court Justices. This is unprecedented in American history.
BREAKING: Project Veritas Reveals Evidence That Suspected Terrorists are Living Freely in the U.S. [VIDEO]
(Amber Crawford) Project Veritas has obtained information from a source within the Federal Government that reveals numerous suspected terrorists living freely throughout the United States. It appears that these threats were admitted to the country after the Biden Regime’s disastrous exit strategy in Afghanistan. During the government’s initiative to shelter fleeing refugees after exiting Afghanistan, “Operation Allies Welcome”, they were apparently so eager to rush employment authorization that they granted work visas to suspected or known terrorists.
Despite Bombing Seven Countries Back to the Stone Age Himself, Obama Blasts Putin for Invading One
(Ethan Huff) Barack Hussein Obama is once again sticking his nose in affairs that do not concern him.
Sharing ‘Misleading Narratives’ Labeled As Domestic Terrorism by Homeland Security
(Joe Martino) In a new bulletin from The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) states that American citizens sharing ‘misinformation’ may now be considered domestic terrorism. The bulletin was posted on February 7th, 2022.
DHS Issues Terrorism Bulletin Over “Conspiracy Theories” and “Misleading Narratives”
(Paul Joseph Watson) Lack of trust in Biden administration is apparently a security threat.
Biden Gives Statement on ISIS Leader Killed, Has Incredible Excuse for Why Women & Children Killed
(Kyle Becker) President Joe Biden addressed the nation on Thursday regarding a U.S. military raid that resulted in the death of ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi in Syria.
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CONFIRMED: Thermite Used In 9/11, Controlled Demolition?
(We Love Trump) They said “Never Forget”. And we won’t.
Justice Department Creates Domestic Terrorism Unit, Raising Concerns Among Some in GOP
(Madeleine Hubbard) “We prosecute individuals for engaging in violence and other criminal conduct, not for their beliefs or associations,” a DOJ official asserted.
Cops Find Bomb, Damning Checklist on Man Lurking Near Right-Wing Rally
(Jack Davis) A Florida man with suspected antifa connections was arrested Thursday after police found a pipe bomb in his backpack.
Appeasement: Biden Pulls ‘Terrorist’ Label Off Marxist Group Despite Decades of Pillage, Rape, Murder
(Jack Davis) A Marxist organization that had been on America’s list of terrorists since 1997 has now had the slate wiped clean by the Biden administration.
Texas GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Don Huffines Vows He Will Detain Any Federal Agents Who Come Into State Looking To Arrest Parents As “Domestic Terrorists”
(JD Heyes) We have been saying for months that in order for states to deal with an increasingly lawless Biden regime and the deep state that is running him, their governors and other leaders need to start thinking outside the box.
Left-Wing Journo-Terrorists Are Trying To Cancel Russell Brand for Merely Questioning COVID Vaccines
(Ethan Huff) For breaking free from the left-wing hivemind of full Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” acceptance, British comedian Russell Brand is under attack by the communist media machine.