(Justin Deschamps) Illuminati symbolism is something even the uninformed masses are somewhat aware of. But there is a lot of confusion surrounding what power this symbolism has. Some believe that the symbols used are inherently dark and merely looking at one infects your mind. This belief makes it seem like there’s some kind of magic at work, but if one considers the nature of mind and the mechanisms that are active when looking at symbols, a better understanding presents itself.
The Secret Life of Symbols — Jordan Maxwell
The Secret Life of Symbols — Jordan Maxwell
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“The Secret Teachings of All Ages”: The Ultimate Reference in Occult Symbolism
(Vigilant Citizen) An in-depth look at the most important book about occultism of the 20th century The Secret Teachings of All Ages and its author Manly P. Hall.
The Deep State and Selling Dark Occultism: The Sick, Twisted Messages in “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina”
(Vigilant Citizen) Aimed at teenagers, the series contains disturbing messages about Satanism, feminism, sexuality and everything in between. Here’s an in-depth look at the agenda behind Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.
HIDDEN MESSAGES: The World in 2019 According to the Economist Magazine
(Vigilant Citizen) A look at the cryptic symbolism found on the cover of the Economist’s “The World in 2019” which includes the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. What are they trying to tell us?
Symbolism: O, Tannenbaum: the Origin of the Christmas Tree
(Symbol Dictionary) In most parts of the world, Winter is cold and harsh; the Christmas tree, with its ornaments and twinkling lights, is a sign of warmth and gaiety. The Christmas tree is such a popular symbol of the winter holiday that it has been adopted by people of many faiths all over the world. The custom of decorating an evergreen with lights and ornaments is ostensibly Christian, but its roots lie deep in the Pagan past.
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Amazing Stargate Atlantis Ascension Episode Synchronicities
(Jonathan Carty) For those who are aware of the Stargate series they might know that this show features Ascension and Ascended beings as part of its main plot for several seasons. We have heard before that Stargate SG-1 has a lot of disclosure of classified intel written within its episodes and I wholeheartedly agree with this considering my extensive research into the topic of disclosure in TV and movies. I have seen the entire Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis seasons a couple of times each in addition to the Stargate: Origins series which came out earlier this year.
Decoding Illuminati Symbolism: Triangles, Pyramids and the Sun
(Illuminati Watcher) For some reason the subject of triangles, pyramids and their true meanings keep popping into my view. Heres yet another post we found on the occult meanings behind this ancient symbol.
Why Are We Being Inundated with Unicorn Symbolism?
Why Are We Being Inundated with Unicorn Symbolism?
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Why the Entertainment Industry Loves to Use Illuminati and Occult Symbolism to Sell
(Buck Rogers) You really have to wonder if the accountants and marketing teams of the entertainment industrial complexhave actually signed a deal with the devil, or if they’ve just realized how exceptionally profitable it is to use Illuminati and occult symbolism as a marketing device.
Secret Space Program/Nazi Eugenics/Operation Brain Drain/MK Ultra Techniques/Ascended Abilities Disclosed in the Netflix Show ‘Ascension’
(Jonathan Carty) I did a lot of research for this particular piece so forgive me if it goes on for a while. I was searching for a sci-fi show to watch and possibly do an analysis on and got an immediate hit when I read the synopsis for a show one can find on Netflix called ‘Ascension’. Although their synopsis is a bit incomplete, I will be sharing my own.
Deep State’s Obsession With Saturn, Symbols & Meaning | Tentacles of the Deep State PART 5
Deep State’s Obsession With Saturn, Symbols & Meaning | Tentacles of the Deep State PART 5
Disturbing Scenes in Animated Adult Cartoon ‘Mr. Pickles’; Cannibalism, Satanic/Luciferian Rituals, Human Sacrifice, Rape, Torture and More
(Jonathan Carty) I have found out about this disturbing show called ‘Mr. Pickles‘ and thought it should be brought to the attention of those in the truth community. There are few shows that I’ve ever seen which depict such disturbing images and scenes as this one. Before I go on I must warn you that what you will see is very disturbing. I don’t intend to hold anything back here.
3 Hidden Warnings from American Horror Story: Apocalypse
(Sterling Nicole Bennett) Ballistic Missile threats, DNA conspiracies, and direct references to our ET alien neighbors are only a few of the messages communicated in “The End.” Is American Horror Story warning us of a nuclear threat?
Disclosures in Daft Punk’s ‘Discovery’ Album Anime Series ‘Interstella 5555 The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem’
(Jonathan Carty) Most people have probably heard of Daft Punk before. They have been around since the ’90s and they have a great talent for creating music. One of the things that I have noticed while listening to their music and watching their music videos from the ‘Discovery’ album was that the videos seem to be depicting a story line. I had no idea about this as I only listened to a few songs here and there.