(Svali) I have decided to write an entire chapter about suicidal programming, since it is often the most dangerous programming that the survivor will face during their healing process. ALL ILLUMINATI SURVIVORS WILL HAVE SUICIDAL PROGRAMMING PROTECTING THEIR SYSTEMS. I emphasized this to also reiterate the need for good therapy and a strong support system for the survivor.
svali speaks
Illuminati Insider | Chapter Ten: The Sixth step of Discipline: Betrayal; Twinning, Internal walls, Structures, Geometry
(Svali) This chapter will address the sixth step of discipline in the Illuminati: Betrayal programming.
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Illuminati Insider | Chapter Nine: Programming Linked to Stories, Movies, Cartoons, or Role Play Dramatization
(Svali) In this chapter, I want to address a special type of programming that is universal with the Illuminati. It is programming that is linked to a story, movie, cartoon, or role play dramatization.
Illuminati Insider | Chapter Eight: CIA , Governmental, and Scholarship Programming
(Svali) Some systems will have internal CIA programming. Some of the methods mentioned in earlier chapters, such as brain wave programming and color coding were developed in part through funding by the CIA in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Military intelligence officers working in Langley, Virginia, used these government funds to conduct research on human subjects. They reported what they were learning to trainers throughout the U.S. and Europe.
Illuminati Insider | Chapter Seven: Military Programming
(Svali) I want to devote an entire chapter to military programming, and how it is done. Why? As noted in chapter three, the Illuminati are emphasizing the importance of military training more and more, as part of their plan for eventual takeover. All children in the current generation are undergoing some form of military training as part of this plan.
Illuminati Insider | Chapter Six: Brain Wave Programming
(Svali) In this chapter I will address brainwave programming. Brain wave programming, like any other programming, will depend on several factors.
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Illuminati Insider | Chapter Five: Colors, Metals and Jewel Programming
(Svali) Color Coding
One form of programming that is quite common in the Illuminati is color programming. Why is it done? The answer is that trainers are human, and also quite lazy. Color programming is a simple way to organize systems, and allows the trainer to call up alters easily within a system. With the thousands of fragments that many multiples in the cult have, colors is a way of organizing them into an easily accessible group.
Illuminati Insider | Chapter Four: An Overview of Some Basic Types of Programming
(Svali) In the first few chapters, I defined Illuminism, its reach, and some of the philosophy, money making enterprises, and agendas that help explain WHY they program people. I believe that these are important to understand, as a preface to the next few chapters. Why?
Illuminati Insider | Chapter Three: The Illuminati Plan to Rule the World
(Svali) Prior to discussing actual programming techniques, it is important to understand the philosophy underlying why the Illuminists are programming people. All groups have goals, and the Illuminists are no exception. Money making is not their final goal – it is a means to an end. This end point, or goal, is no less than to rule the world. The Illuminati has a set plan similar to the Soviet Union’s previous “5- year” and “10-year ” plans. This is what the Illuminists themselves believe and teach their followers as gospel truth.
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Illuminati Insider | Chapter Two: Jobs in the Illuminati (or Why They Spend All That Time Training People)
(Svali) To understand generational programming, it helps to understand WHY the cult goes to the amount of trouble that it does to place programming into people.
Insider Details How Illuminati Blood Rituals Are Organized — And Explains Why They Are Never Caught
(Svali) When confronted with the possibility that ritual abuse may occur, one of the first questions people ask is: “But if it’s real, why aren’t they caught?”.
Illuminati Insider | Chapter One: An Overview of The Illuminati
(Svali) In order to understand Illuminati cult programming, it is first necessary to understand a bit about the structure and philosophy of the organization. The Illuminati are a group of people who follow a philosophy known as “Illuminism” or “enlightenment”. Related Illuminati Insider Reveals Inner Workings and European Origins of the Global Elite Source – Svali Speaks by […]
Illuminati Insider: Question and Answer Series Part 1 and 2
Q: Can the Illuminati’s family trees be traced back to specific towns in Europe?
A: Yes, and this depends on the branch. There is the German branch, the French branch, the UK branch, and the Russian branch. Each has roots in different areas of Europe. The towns of central Germany and Austria were the beginning for the German branch. They trace their roots from the Knights Templar who united the European nations during the crusades.
Illuminati Survivor | Complex Poly-Fragmentation: A Coping Mechanism for the Survivor
(Svali) In order to survive ritual abuse, a child will often learn to dissociate, and dissociate heavily. The child has undergone some of the most horrific abuse humanly imaginable, and most find a way to cope. One of the ways that is encouraged in certain groups, such as the Illuminati, is to create an elaborate defensive system. In psychological terms, the child fragments, then fragments again. Eventually, the child has polyfragmented.