(Elizabeth Stauffer) We were warned that supply chain issues would soon lead to food shortages in the U.S. For parents of infants and toddlers, that time is now.
Supply Chain
Vaccine Mandates for Canadian and Mexican Truck Drivers at the Borders Started Today – Supply Chain Disruptions to Get Worse?
(Brian Shilhavy) Vaccine Mandates for Canadian and Mexican Truck Drivers at the Borders Started Today – Supply Chain Disruptions to Get Worse?
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A Perfect Storm: Supply Chain Battered by Chinese Port Closures, Trains, Trucks, and Workers
(Aden Tate) The supply chain crisis isn’t just coming, it’s already here.
A Perfect Storm: Supply Chain Battered by Chinese Port Closures, Trains, Trucks, and Workers
(Aden Tate) The supply chain crisis isn’t just coming, it’s already here.
China Implements Strict Lockdown, Claiming They Have To Stop the Spread of COVID… the Supply Chain Will Be Impacted
(Mary Villareal) Residents of Xi’an in China are still locked inside their homes as the government continues to enforce strict lockdown due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
Trucking Companies Sound Alarm, Say Canada’s Draconian Vaccine Mandate for Cross-Border Truckers Will Devastate Economy
(JD Heyes) Trucking organizations are echoing warnings from individual haulers and trucking companies that vaccine mandates for drivers on both sides of the U.S.-Canada border are going to devastate economics and come at a time when the supply chain crisis continues to leave shelves bare in grocery and retail stores.
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Bed Bath Beyond Bet on China and Lost: After Kicking Mike Lindell’s MyPillow to the Curb, Chain Losing Money and Closing Stores
(JD Heyes) U.S. corporations who are prostituting themselves out to China are learning the hard way that choosing the communist regime over American-based businesses just because they don’t like their politics is a costly mistake.
White House Puts $1 Billion Into Problem of Rising Meat Prices, Blames Supply Chain ‘Middlemen’
(Sophie Mann) Food prices have increased 6% in the last year, in large part to due the rising cost of meat
IKEA Says Supply Chain Issues Forcing Them to Raise Prices
(Cassandra Fairbanks) IKEA has boosted its prices due to the supply chain crisis.
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Biden’s White House Pretends It’s Next to Container Ship Loading Docks for Supply Chain Presser
(Joe Hoft) The Biden White House just got more bizarre. This past week it pretended to be near a container shipyard for a presser on supply chain failures.
Supply Chain Destruction: Continue to Prepare
(Mac Slavo) The supply chain is irrevocably destroyed and there is no intention for it to be repaired. Considering this is by design, and it could be seen coming a mile away, those who planned it will not be fixing it. So we need to be aware of it.
Here’s Why U.S. Supply Chain Problems Will Only Get Worse
(Brandon Smith) It is an economic rule which free-market philosophers like Adam Smith have tried to explain to governments and monopolists for centuries:
Trucking Industry Is Short 80,000 Truck Drivers Amid Supply Chain Crisis
(Divina Ramirez) The American Trucking Associations (ATA) claimed that the trucking industry is short by a record high 80,000 drivers, which is 30 percent more than before the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic when the industry faced a shortage of 61,500 drivers.
On a Special Diet? Here’s What to Eat When the Supply Chain Breaks
(Joanna Miller) Many people adhere to special diets these days for various reasons. But, what is there to eat when the supply chain breaks? With the global supply chain in place for decades now, residents of first-world countries have had access to just about everything. Many people live in dry, windy Colorado and eat a gluten-free diet involving lots of nut and rice flours. Lots of people can be vegan and enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables in any major city. You can even live in cold Minnesota and eat a keto diet full of avocados and coconut oil.
Doomsday Bunker Business Is Booming Due to Growing Plandemic Rebellion
(Ethan Huff) Atlas Survival Shelters CEO Ron Hubbard put out a video recently in which he warned that there is currently a mad rush among the elite to secure for themselves survival shelters.