(Gaia) John Keel, the prominent ufologist and paranormal researcher, famous for the Mothman Prophecies, once proposed the idea that there are “window areas” throughout the world, connecting our reality with parallel dimensions.
Steven Greer
Dr Steven Greer: The Atacama Humanoid Remains A Profound Mystery
(Steven Greer) After six months of research by leading scientists at Stanford University, the Atacama Humanoid remains a profound mystery.
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Dr Steven Greer: 3 People From My Team, Including ex-CIA Director, Were Assassinated
(RT News) Talks of UFOs hovering in the skies have been exciting researchers and the general public for decades. Are we being watched from above, and are we ready for encountering the unknown?
When Secrecy is Better than Official Disclosure of Extraterrestrial Life
(Dr. Michael Salla) Dr. Steven Greer, a leading figure in the UFO disclosure movement, has just proposed an audacious idea concerning official disclosure of extraterrestrial life. In his expert opinion, acquired over more than 25 years of disclosure advocacy, continued secrecy is better than disclosing the truth about visiting aliens if they are depicted in any other way than peaceful nonviolent beings attempting to advance the evolution of human life on Earth.
Steven Greer Reveals 3-Billion-Dollar Black Project and Secret Underground Base
Steven Greer Reveals 3-Billion-Dollar Black Project and Secret Underground Base
Steven Greer Explosive Testimony on Deep State Advanced Technology
(Geopolitics) Steven Greer brilliantly exposes how secrecy is maintained through the hybrid of corporate and government programs. Which military bases and facilities and which corporations are involved? How is black-budget and criminal activity funding these operations?
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Secret Space Program Update: Secret Space Program and UFOs – Jesse Ventura Talks With Dr. Steven Greer
Jesse Ventura and Brigida Santos discuss the history of the Space Race and modern day cooperation between the American and Russian space agencies. Ufologist Doctor Steven Greer shares insights from his documentary, “Unacknowledged,” which explores evidence surrounding the Pentagon’s secret UFO program. In 2017, US government officials finally acknowledged the existence of the black budget […]
Government Proof Surfaces That UFOs Exist
(Duke Brickhouse) Recently, we discovered that the government has recently been researching UFOs as real phenomena reported by military pilots whose sightings and reports cannot be ignored. With this news, we find that UFOs are not a figment of the imaginations of the insane. UFOs are real and the reason they have come to Earth will […]
Dr Steven Greer Urgent Update! Global Briefing & Universal Peace. Carol Rosin Show Jan. 2018 (Video)
(Enerchi) Steven Greer’s time sensitive SPECIAL UPDATE BRIEFING: For superpower leaders and all world leaders, for those who can influence them, including for all listening. This unique presentation ranges from relevant global history to the universal happenings today, related to all interconnected global and universal issues and HOW TO get from here to real peace in […]
Steven Greer Comments on the Arrival of the False Flag Alien Invasion
(Dylan Charles) For decades the U.S. public has been programmed to believe that disclosure of any genuine alien or extraterrestrial presence on earth will come as a threat, likely in the form of an all out hostile invasion of our planet. In such a scenario, our only savior would be a united human race armed […]