(Star Parker) Once again, the nation has witnessed a horrible, pointless act of violence, with innocent children the victims.
Groundbreaking Study Shows Consciousness Survives After Death
(Sivana Spirit) “What happens when I die?”
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Facts About Reincarnation That Will Question Everything
Facts About Reincarnation That Will Question Everything
Can Cats & Dogs See Spirits? Science Suggests They See Frequencies Humans Can’t
(Alanna Ketler) If you are a cat owner, you’re probably familiar with them staring at something with such intent, wonder, concern, excitement, they may sneak around or they may just stand there with wide eyes staring at something that is not there… or is it? Dogs will sometimes growl or bark or jumped up from being spooked by something that is, to us, perceivably not even there. It seems that cats and dogs have this ability to tune into something that only they, and maybe other members of the animal kingdom, can see that we cannot.
Psychic Suppression from a Benevolent Place
(Sterling Nicole Bennett) I experienced one of my long overdue vivid dreams in which I found myself in a classroom. The teacher stood at the front of the class, her brown hair in a low bun, fringe framing her oval face. She wore a gray suit jacket with a white blouse, gray pencil skirt, and black pumps. Her glasses hung off of her nose. She was leaning on her desk with her arms crossed, reading from a book.
Grounding, Clearing & Raising Your Vibration: An Interview with Bridget Nielsen
(Thais Gibson) Bridget Nielsen is a spiritual teacher and interdimensional bridge between this world and beyond. Her extrasensory abilities allow her to connect with celestial beings and to channel wisdom into our reality. She shares amazing content weekly through her Youtube channel, and is a “lightworker” for the ascension process. Source – Collective Evolution by Thais […]
Synchronicity: Clues From the Universe
(Humans Are Free) We receive a lot of questions from people wanting to understand the meaning of coincidences and synchronicity. Related: The Physics Behind How Distant Energy Healing Works Source – Humans Are Free by Staff Writer, January 1st, 2018 One of the best explanations we’ve found is by Deepak Chopra, who not only explains what the […]
7 Examples That Show Why Most of our Pioneering Scientists Were Spiritual Mystics
(Arjun Walia) Things have drastically changed since Galileo was placed under house arrest for his scientifically accurate views, simply because they threatened the beliefs put out by the Catholic Church at the time. Related: The Spiritual Meaning of the Summer Solstice & Aligned Sacred Sites Source – Collective Evolution by Arjun Walia, December 31st, 2017 Today, things have […]
Examples of Children Who Remember Their Past Lives – Examined By Scientists
(Arjun Walia) Reincarnation is a fascinating subject that has remained on the fringe of scientific study for too long. Fortunately, it has recently begun to attract serious interest from the scientific community. Decades ago, American astronomer and astrobiologist Carl Sagan stated that “there are three claims in the [parapsychology] field which, in my opinion, deserve serious study,” with […]
The Most Powerful Exercise to Purify and Rejuvenate the Body and Mind
(Shems Heartwell) The way you breathe is the way you live. Breathing is absolutely essential to life, but it’s often overlooked as a necessity for good health. Full, free breathing is one of the most powerful keys to enhancing physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Related: Brazil Health Officials: Zika Virus Is NOT Responsible For Rise In Birth […]
Wonder, Magic & Insight – Embracing Curiosity on the Spiritual Journey
(Fiona Reilly) Recently I have been valuing the simplicity of being curious. By being curious I mean actively engaging with our innate enthusiasm for wonder, discovery and learning. It includes seeing and appreciating the magic and miracles that continually surround us. Just consider how a young child engages with their surroundings and how absorbed they are […]
How Strong Is Your Intuition? It Might Be The Highest Form of Intelligence
(Alanna Ketler) This article was inspired by one published in Forbes with the same title. Who would have ever expected to see Forbes, a finance publication, post something about intuition? This is a surefire sign that times really are changing. Related: Why Your Intuition May Be the Highest Form of Intelligence Source – Collective Evolution by Alanna Ketler, December 10th, […]
Accelerations in the 5D Shift – and How You Can Maximize its Personal Effect
(Wake Up World) The shift is gathering pace all the time. New layers of limiting matrix field are being engaged and peeled off. It’s liberating, yes, but far from easy — it’s going to affect every aspect of the life you’ve created, from relationships to jobs and living circumstances. The field is progressively working to help […]
The Cat-Snake-Bird and Innate Fears | Jordan B Peterson (video)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxR2FkKEjys _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected] with the error, headline and url. Thank you for reading. _______
Why Your Intuition May Be the Highest Form of Intelligence
(Christina Sarich) Our intuition develops when we are babies, long before are indoctrinated into Newtonian physics – which largely prohibits us from understanding the quantum world. Ironically, one of our first intellectual abilities – intuition – may be one of the greatest forms of intelligence we will ever experience in a “grown-up” world.