(Ethan Huff) News about the SolarWinds Orion hack is generating a lot of questions about what this company is and who is behind it. What we know so far is that its corporate ties include gems like communist China, the Clintons and the Obamas.
Pentagon orders shutdown of all classified internal communications networks running SolarWinds Orion software
(Ethan Huff) After it was discovered earlier in the week that hackers had inserted Trojan Horse malware into the SolarWinds Orion security software used by a large swath of government agencies, the Pentagon issued an emergency memo calling for the immediate shutdown of a classified internal communications network known as the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET).
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Hacked SolarWinds Platform Was Used in Dominion Voting Systems, Making the Entire Election Subject to Cyber Interference
(Ethan Huff) The Indian journal GreatGameIndiahas verified that Dominion Voting Systems machines do, in fact, use the SolarWinds software platform that was exploited and hacked earlier in the week.
FOREIGN INTERFERENCE: Owners of SolarWinds Have Links to Obama, the Clintons, China, Hong Kong and the US Election Process
Texas Prison Gang Leader Who Was Freed By Obama Arrested for Drug Trafficking… Again