(Elias Marat) Eclipse fans are in for a major treat this year, with several lunar eclipses and two solar eclipses happening in 2020.
The Sun “Has Gone Into Lockdown”, And This Strange Behavior Could Make Global Food Shortages Much Worse
(Justin Deschamps) The sun’s reduced solar activity is one piece of evidence suggesting a long-predicted magnetic reversal and pole-shift is taking place. The fact this is happening alongside a massive global shutdown is quite interesting. As one who researches the role of celestial events, such as supernova activity, in evolutionary jumps in the fossil record and the idea that a massive spiritual awakening apparently attends these shifts, the correspondence is something to note. Are these events being guided in some way?
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UV Rays Emitted Inside Trachea via New Therapeutic Could ‘Eradicate’ Viruses and Bacteria
(Micheal Wing) A new medical technology that emits ultraviolet light inside the body could be used as a therapeutic to eradicate “a wide range of viruses and bacteria, inclusive of coronavirus,” stated a press release on Monday, April 20th.
The Sun & Earth | Rapid Temperature Forcing — Real Climate Science
The Sun & Earth | Rapid Temperature Forcing — Real Climate Science
The Effect of Solar Flares on the Pineal Gland
(The Watchers) According to study published in the New Scientist back in 1998, there is a direct connection between the Sun’s solar storms and human biological effects.
SUPPRESSED SCIENCE: The Sun and Electricity’s Effect on Weather and Life on Earth
SUPPRESSED SCIENCE: The Sun and Electricity’s Effect on Weather and Life on Earth
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NASA’s Discovery of Magnetic Portals That “Open & Close” Every Day May Connect to Ancient Esoteric Knowledge
(Merrill Cushman) In 2012, NASA funded the research of Jack Scudder, from the University of Iowa, who studied a phenomenon unlike no other.
Winter MADNESS: Is This Thanksgiving a Preview of the Bitterly Cold Winter to Come?
(Michael Snyder) This week, three major winter storms will batter most of the country with ice, snow and bitterly cold temperatures just in time for Thanksgiving. It is being projected that 55 million Americans will be traveling this week, and so this bizarre weather comes at a very bad time.
Cover-Up of Catastrophe | Which Is More Important? & Micronova & Magnetic Reversal | Info Update
Cover-Up of Catastrophe | Which Is More Important? & Micronova & Magnetic Reversal | Info Update
Applying Sunscreen Doesn’t Fully Protect You from the Sun, but These 6 Alternatives Can Provide Full Coverage
(Darnel Fernandez) Products that offer protection from the sun are widely popular, thanks to their ability to keep the harmful effects of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation at bay.
Plasma Cosmology Made Easy
Plasma Cosmology Made Easy
COSMIC DISASTER | CIA: Classified — Suppressed Science of the Mininova, Solar Flash, Pole Shift
COSMIC DISASTER | CIA: Classified — Suppressed Science of the Mininova, Solar Flash, Pole Shift
PLASMA COSMOLOGY | Professors Respond
PLASMA COSMOLOGY | Professors Respond
TODAY: A Large Solar Storm Will Hit Earth On July 31 Or August 1 At The Same Time That The “Black Supermoon” Happens
(Michael Snyder) An absolutely massive hole has formed in the upper atmosphere of the Sun, and our planet will align with that hole later this week.
Ukrainian Man Claims to “Eat” Only Sunshine and Lives by the Law of Flowers
(Guerman Grachev) He feeds only on prana and solar energy. After arriving in a village where he lives, I saw a barefooted man standing on the porch. He was wearing a bright orange dress with the sun embroidered on the chest.