(Chandra Loveguard) Well-known biologist and author Bruce Lipton has turned to comedy to provide insight into what is transpiring in our world and in our consciousness, pointing to a Great Awakening. Do our beliefs drive our reality? Lipton thinks so, and is willing to wear a tin foil hat to explain why…
SITS Inspiration
Have We Been Trained To Violence in Communication? Consider the Principles of Nonviolent Communication (Part 2 – Power of Thoughts and Words)
(Chandra Loveguard) Founder of Nonviolent Communication Marshall B. Rosenberg said, “Most of us grew up speaking a language that encourages us to label, compare, demand, and pronounce judgments rather than to be aware of what we are feeling and needing.” Does this cultural habit lead to a type of violence in communication? And what is the impact of learning how to change our ways so we speak to people’s needs and pain instead of projecting our own hurts onto them?
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Was the Power of Our Thoughts and Words Hinted At in the Bible? And Why Is This Significant Now? (Part 1 – Power of Thoughts and Words)
(Chandra Loveguard) With so many concerning things occurring in the world, it is good to rely on the positive and helpful sayings of our favorite books and teachers for inspiration and courage to carry on. The bible has long been a favorite resource for many in our world, replete with numerous inspirational messages to keep us going when times seem hard. In this article, we share some of the positive and uplifting statements from the bible which might be just the medicine needed at this time to soothe the soul and remind us to tune in with our Higher Power.
“Heed the call to move within stillness.” – A Deep Message From The Inner Self
(Justin Deschamps) In July 2018, During the ECETI conference in Washington State, I was fortunate enough to receive what appears to be a channeled message. This took place during a workshop conducted by Teresa Yanaros, Journalist, Author, and Visionary for Divine Frequency.
“Heed the call to move within stillness.” – Justin’s Channeling from Teresa Yanaros Workshop, ECETI 2018.
(Justin Deschamps) In July 2018, During the ECETI conference in Washington State, I was fortunate enough to receive what appears to be a channeled message. This took place during a workshop conducted by Teresa Yanaros, Journalist, Author, and Visionary for Divine Frequency.
Inspirational: The Power of True Strength in Emotion — Keys to An Enlightened Planet
The Power of True Strength in Emotion — Keys to An Enlightened Planet
Strength is not the suppression of powerful and intense emotions, the hiding of tears or the masking of feelings.
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Inspirational: Desires Are A Path to Self-Mastery, If we Dare to Explore Them
by Justin Deschamps, The following quoted text came to me during the Conscious Life Expo event in 2018. I received it while contemplating the nature of desire and how we tend to avoid thoughts and things we think of as personally or socially reprehensible. Given that the form of the message could be misinterpreted to mean […]
Inspirational: The Guiding Force of Love
by Justin Deschamps, Author’s Note: In my personal process of awakening, contemplating reality, and philosophizing about the universe, I often receive “downloads” in the form of poems, prayers, and inspirational messages. I usually keep these to myself, because they are usually very personal. But also because, due to their non-specific nature, they can be misinterpreted. However, […]
Inspirational: On the Gateway of Transformation and Growth — Death of the Limited Self and Phoenix of the Higher Self
by Justin Deschamps, In my personal process of awakening, contemplating reality, and philosophizing about the universe, I often receive “downloads” in the form of poems, prayers, and inspirational messages. I usually keep these to myself, because they are usually very personal. But also because, due to their non-specific nature, they can be misinterpreted. However, I […]