(Dr Leonard Coldwell) Self-love requires self-awareness of one’s humanistic needs, experiences, traits, thoughts, behaviors, beliefs and desires and having the ability to change, release, modify or compassionately accept and heal what defies self-love.
self love
Loving Yourself Is Easier Than It Seems
(Exploring Your Mind) We all want to be loved and respected as human beings. But in order for that to happen, you have to be consistent with loving yourself. And this is much easier than it seems…
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Thinking You’re “Ugly” Can Damage Your Well-Being: It’s So Important To Develop Self Love
(Kalee Brown) To start, if you’ve ever looked down upon yourself or spoken the words “I’m so ugly” to yourself, you’re not alone. You could be someone who has an immense amount of self love and still have some self doubt occasionally, and that’s perfectly understandable. We live in a society that perpetuates the belief that beauty is only skin deep, and it can be difficult to ignore that message every moment of every day.
How to Be Kinder to Yourself (Surprisingly Simple Technique)
If you want to learn how to be kinder to yourself, easily and quickly, this video is for you. We all would like to know to be kinder, both how to be kind to ourselves, and how to be kind to others. But it all starts with ourselves. And in this video, I teach you a surprisingly simple technique that will change how you treat yourself faster than you can imagine.
Healthy Relationships with Others Begins with the Self
(Bonnie McClure) We all have in our minds an image of the best possible version of ourselves. We call this self, the “ideal self.” The ideal self represents our highest values, our total potential, everything that we strive to be, and the goals that we set for ourselves.
How to Befriend Your Fear to Live a Fulfilling Life — Wisdom Not Taught in School
(Justin Deschamps) We’ve all heard about the power of fear. But do we really understand how facing our fears leads to a happy and fulfilling life? It sounds like an empty cliché but the truth is facing your fears is arguably the most empowering thing you can do, no matter what your situation.
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A Sense of Oneness Leads to Greater Life Satisfaction, Research Shows
(Nikki Harper) As humans have become more ecologically and environmentally aware over the last century or so, we’ve come to understand that a small change in any particular ecosystem can have important – and unexpected – consequences for another. Slowly but surely, many have also been grasping this concept of interconnectedness and oneness in a more abstract or spiritual way too.
Learn to Value Your Effort, Even if Others Don’t
(Exploring your Mind) Did you know that working at something and making an effort can trigger changes in your brain and actually make you happier? Armed with this knowledge, it’s easier to value your own effort without worrying about what other people think. Keep reading to find out why effort is so important for your well-being.
Is Addiction the Result of a Lack of a Sense of Purpose in Life?
(Steve Taylor Ph.D.) As you are no doubt aware, presently the United States is experiencing an opioid epidemic. There are many reasons for this—one of the most obvious being the reckless over-subscription of opiate-based painkillers by doctors, leading to dependency. But on a psychological level, we have to take into account the strong relationship between addiction and the lack of a sense of purpose.
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Spiritual Retreats Really Do Change Brain Chemistry, Especially Dopamine and Serotonin Production
(Rhonda Johansson) Social isolation, in the form of spiritual retreats, can boost mental health according to a study published in Religion, Brain & Behavior. Researchers determined that serotonin and dopamine production is greatly affected by religious and meditative retreats.
11 Red Flags That Mean You Are Emotionally And Physically Exhausted
(Elizabeth DeVille) We are all familiar with the draining impact of physical exhaustion, the result of a long day out with friends, a challenging workout session or going for too long without adequate sleep. However, we often overlook the impact of mental and emotional exhaustion on our overall well-being.
Politics Is Destroying Civil Society—But Gratitude Can Save Us
(Barry Brownstein) Civil society seems to be waning. People are losing respect for the conditions that allow human beings to flourish, warns Jonah Goldberg in his book Suicide of the West: How the Rebirth of Tribalism, Populism, Nationalism, and Identity Politics is Destroying American Democracy.
The Barriers We Build Against Love
(Anna Rodgers) Many people are still looking for their ‘other half’, venturing out on more and more dates, casting the net wider until they find someone to complete them. And when it doesn’t work out just as they planned, they jump back onto their smartphones, ‘unfriend’ the offending partner and swipe themselves another one.
Your Vagina Is More Beautiful Than You Think — Body Dysmorphia and Distorted Beauty Standards Causing Suffering
(Joe Martino) It was 11 years ago and I was in a big documentary phase. I had watched hundreds of documentaries in a single year as I had come to realize the world around me was not quite what it seemed, and I was thirsty for knowledge.
How To Know Gratitude
(Teresa Yanaros) Today is the day for diving deep into the recesses of your heart to unlock the light inside you and shine it upon the abundance that surrounds you.