(Exploring Your Mind) Low self-esteem robs you of the ability to feel good about yourself and be happy. However, it also takes away small everyday things from you that you may not be fully aware of.
Seven Psychological Characteristics of People with High Self-Esteem
(Exploring Your Mind) People with high self-esteem are self-confident, happier, and more successful. Do you want to discover what characterizes them? Find out here.
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Feeling Underappreciated: What Can You Do?
(Exploring Your Mind) Feeling unappreciated by your partner, family, or your boss can be very exhausting. What should you do in these situations?
Loving Yourself Is Easier Than It Seems
(Exploring Your Mind) We all want to be loved and respected as human beings. But in order for that to happen, you have to be consistent with loving yourself. And this is much easier than it seems…
How to Be Kinder to Yourself (Surprisingly Simple Technique)
If you want to learn how to be kinder to yourself, easily and quickly, this video is for you. We all would like to know to be kinder, both how to be kind to ourselves, and how to be kind to others. But it all starts with ourselves. And in this video, I teach you a surprisingly simple technique that will change how you treat yourself faster than you can imagine.
Your Sense of Self and Depression – What’s the Connection?
(Exploring your Mind) Rumination, negative dialogue, and feeling empty and unworthy can chip away at your self-esteem and create the perfect breeding ground for depression.
Good Self-Esteem Comes from a Job Well Done
(Exploring your Mind) One of the pillars that has a tremendous influence on our behavior is self-esteem. How we feel, based on the image we have of ourselves, determines the goals we choose, the relationships we maintain, and the intensity of our emotions. But how can we achieve good self-esteem?