The following post details in plain English the absurdity of modern society and the unquestioned assumptions that keep us all buying into it. – Justin Source – Nexus Illuminati by EV Economic slavery, or wage slavery, refers to one’s total and immediate dependence on wages to survive. Although people throughout history have had to work to get […]
self education
Thinking You’re “Ugly” Can Damage Your Well-Being: It’s So Important To Develop Self Love
(Kalee Brown) To start, if you’ve ever looked down upon yourself or spoken the words “I’m so ugly” to yourself, you’re not alone. You could be someone who has an immense amount of self love and still have some self doubt occasionally, and that’s perfectly understandable. We live in a society that perpetuates the belief that beauty is only skin deep, and it can be difficult to ignore that message every moment of every day.
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Assertive Techniques for Conflict Resolution | Psychology
(Exploring Your Mind) Being assertive in your interactions with others can help you avoid conflict while protecting your interests and others’ rights.
You Become What You Practice — So What Do You Practice?
(Justin Deschamps) The world is filled with challenges that make life difficult. As one who studies the human condition, the struggle for happiness, fulfillment, and the avoidance of unnecessary suffering is something everyone has to contend with. Psychologically, every choice we make becomes the basis of a habit. This means, if we’re unconscious about the way we think and what we do, we might create more problems for ourselves. Let’s look at this from the perspective of practice.
‘I Could Never Do That’ — and Other Myths We Tell Ourselves
(Beth Kurland, Ph.D.) There are five words that will stop you right in your tracks every time you say them. These words are familiar to many of us — they are words that have played over and over in my own head, and words I have heard from so many others over the years: “I could never do that.” When we say those words — especially when it is in the context of something that we would like to do — it can act as a dead end, causing us to reverse direction or stay stuck right where we are. It is hard to move forward when we take those words as fact.
50 Things You Could Be Doing Instead Of Staring At A Screen
(Alanna Ketler) There is no doubt about it, screens have become a central part of many of our lives. From the moment we wake up and turn off our alarms and do a quick check of Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter notifications, email, and other apps — screens have the capacity to suck us in, right from the start of the day. The act of checking our screens has become so common nowadays that many of us spend the majority of our waking lives staring at various screens including smartphones, tablets, and computers.
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Dauntless Dialogue Academy
Dauntless Dialogue Academy
Mental Jujitsu to Fight Your Negative Thinking
(Exploring Your Mind) Jujitsu, also known as the martial art of flexibility, can also be applied to your thought life to defend yourself against negative internal dialogue and attack thoughts that are violating your self-esteem and well-being.
How Your Emotions Affect Your Organ Health
(Hilde Larson) After years of studying health and how to allow the body to naturally heal, there is one topic that keeps coming back to me as significant, and that is the body-emotion connection. The key role they play in our physical wellbeing, and how much gunk we carry from early childhood. From our upbringing, our traumas, conditioning and belief system. How everything we ever lived is stored in our cells, and how our emotional terrain affects our vital organs.
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That Destructive Not So Little Inner Voice
(Kurt Smith) No, you’re not hearing things — that voice telling you you’re not good enough, you should do more, or that no one likes you is usually coming from inside your own head. Too often our biggest critics are ourselves and that nagging inner voice can create a great deal of worry, self-doubt and trouble in a person’s life.
Feeling Lonely in Your Relationship — Embrace the Call to Adventure
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) In our increasingly technology-driven world, group activities have become too structured. Our need for adventure, excitement, and novel stimulation often comes through passive means, like binge-watching Netflix, scrolling through social media, or playing video games. One of the greatest joys in life is the adventure of learning how to play […]
A Plant-Based Diet for Beginners: What to Eat, Benefits, & How to Succeed
(Ocean Robbins) Eating a plant-based diet is one of the healthiest things you can do for your body and the environment. And as plant-based diets increase in popularity and acceptance, more and more people are turning to them. Curious about a plant-based diet? Discover what to eat and avoid, plant-based diet benefits for your health and the environment, and ways to implement it into your life for optimal success.
How to Become Spiritually Awakened (Intriguing Direct Way)
How to Become Spiritually Awakened (Intriguing Direct Way)
How It Takes Courage to Build Healthy Relationships
(John Amodeo, PhD) The word “courage” is often reserved for entering a battlefield or facing difficult circumstances. But there’s a more subtle aspect to courage that is needed in our close relationships.
20 Hurricane Survival Tips From Real-Life Scenarios
(Tess Pennington) Imagine this scenario: It’s the year 2005 and you are living in the heart of New Orleans. A hurricane is threatening to hit and even though the city sits 8 feet below sea level, you choose not to evacuate or even prepare because you’ve seen many hurricanes threaten to hit the city and it never makes landfall, so why prepare for this one? Days later, your great city is almost completely flooded from Hurricane Katrina and over 1,800 lives were claimed including some of your neighbors because, like you, they decided not to leave the city. Now you are left without electricity, water, and dwindling supplies. To make matters worse, supply trucks are cut off, the police and emergency services can’t meet the needs of the people and there are looters breaking into homes for supplies.