Image Source. Dani from Removing the Shackles posted some interesting points about Obama’s recent amendment to the President Transition Act and Executive Order from May 6th, and I want to add some of my own comments. I have had several people ask me what the relevance of these actions by Obama are. Firstly, as Dani states below, […]
Oregon Shooting Was Probably A False Flag | No Eye Witnesses of Mercer Shooting People, Sep 30th Time Stamp Articles and more
Thank you Lisa for sharing all these articles with me. Here is the latest attempt by our would-be masters to instill fear and push their agenda. Like other obvious examples, this event has many of the hallmarks of a staged event, however, no ‘smoking gun’ evidence of a false flag attack has been revealed thus […]
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Two CIA Agents Arrested by Minutemen while Crossing Mexican Border with 1300 Pounds of Cocaine
Source – Removing The Shackles Here’s a Giggle for your Monday Morning!! love d El Paso| A group of minutemen watching the Mexican Border for illegal migrants and drug traffickers, have proceeded to the citizen arrest of two men in an SUV, carrying 1300 pounds of cocaine. The volunteers were completely astonished when the two arrestees pulled […]
UNITY of Non-Consent | Are You Ready To Be Free?
Dani of RTS has taken up the torch of non-consent which is sweeping the planet right now. This year means a great deal to the Cabal, as we shared in the post Signs That The Elite Are Feverishly Preparing For Something BIG | Are We Going To Take Action?. Our duty to stand in truth, and un-consent […]
Remote Hijack Recovery System Used by Fighter Jets to Down Plane | Jim Stone on Germanwings 9525
Jim Stone has been covering the Germanwings story with much of the same information we have. He expands on the Fly By Wire (Remote Hijack Recovery System) reports and includes eyewitness accounts of fighter jet escorts. Jim asserts that the fighter jets took over the plane, and crashed it into the ground at high speeds […]
CERN WATCH: Extra Dimensions and Gravity’s Rainbow
Thank you D for bring all this forth, check out the previous Transpicious post here: Germanwings Flight 9525, CERN, Attempted Portal Creation, BRICS and more! – Transpicuous News Special Report: March 26th 2015 Also see: Scientists at Large Hadron Collider hope to make contact with PARALLEL UNIVERSE in days Source – Removing the Shackles With all […]
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Germanwings Flight 9525, CERN, Attempted Portal Creation, BRICS and more! – Transpicuous News Special Report: March 26th 2015
Dani from RTS did a thorough breakdown of CERN, Germanwings Flight Crash and more in her report recently. She brings some interesting evidence to the table, but ultimately the definitive connection between the downed flight and CERN’s testing remains elusive. We covered the Germanwings stories here: Suicide or ‘Manchurian Candidate?’ | Germanwings Co-Pilot, Andreas Lubitz, […]
Satanic Child Abuse Case: Hampstead Heath Childrens – UK Judge Dismisses Pandora’s Box
This story has been circulating the alternative media for some time. We know from several former Satanists that this dark religion is at the heart of the Cabal Control mechanism. And this recent dismissal provides circumstantial evidence for this assertion. The Cabal use ritual abuse and Trauma for many reasons, and one of them is […]
Over 110 Nations Meet to Discuss Ramifications of Obama’s Declaration Against Venezuela | South America Just Stood Up: Can I get a big “HELL NO!”
No coincidence that D from Removing the Shackles has picked up on this fight between North and South America. We also recently shared some related posts, Venezuela Officially Declares Bush And Cheney Terrorists, Bans Them From Country and Obama Declares Venezuela a National Security Threat. Source – Removing the Shackles Well well well….. Let’s see […]
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ISIS: Psyop, CIA, Terrorists, Rebel, Religious Group?
Dani over at RTS compiled a wonderful series of articles regarding ISIS and it’s connection to the CIA and manufactured terror. This is critical information to understand about what is really happening on earth and can be used to share with our fellows for their contemplation and awakening process. – Justin Source – Removing The […]
Grey State (pulled off youtube) | filmmaker David Crowley and family die: highly questionable reports
I was going to include the Full Gray State film, but youtube already pulled it down due to a copyright claim. – Justin Source – Removing the Shackles The alternative media is Buzzing over the “murder suicide” of film maker David Crowley and his wife and young daughter. Every aspect of the “official” reports are […]
ISIS Hacks CENTCOM | Just So Happens to Hack CENTCOM Just as Obama Is Announcing New Cyber Security Legislation?
Source – Removing the Shackles Exactly as I expected. Up the threat level, up the response. Of course by “response” they actually mean “taking away your freedom and privacy”. Watch the timing as these “attacks” roll out. Watch the distractions, watch what happens behind the curtain. d OH COME ON: ISIS JUST SO HAPPENS TO HACK […]
Rainbow bright: New energy, New frequencies, New light
Dani from RTS shares her insights about the seemly growing increase in optic phenomena. I was just reviewing the images from COBRA’s recent update which also mentioned an increase as well. To be honest with you, I can not confirm if there is infact an increase, but the imagery is none the less compelling. I’d be curious […]
Paris False Flag (Charlie Hebdo Attack): List of links for info
Thanks Dani for putting together a great compilation of the Paris false flag below. – Justin Source – Removing the Shackles For those who are blasting the truth about the False Flag attack in France, I have compiled a list of links to refer to. I do not agree with all of the information, or […]
Shocking Stats for 2014 | 50 Numbers From 2014 That Sound Fake But That Are Actually Real
Source – Removing the Shackles 2014 was quite a bizarre year, wasn’t it? The past 12 months brought us MH370, Ebola, civil war in Ukraine, civil unrest in Ferguson, the rise of ISIS and the fall of the Democrats in the midterm elections. Our world is becoming crazier and more unstable with each passing day, […]