(Justin Deschamps) Romanticism, according to author Alain De Botton, introduced the idea of love, romance, and soul mates into modern culture. Before that, marriage was more about business and procreation, not so much about personal fulfillment. Surely, there are some good things that came from romantic thinking, like the idea that love should be a guiding force inn relationships. But it also introduced several ideas that to this day cause the modern man and women a lot of problems.
How to Strengthen Your Relationship During Confinement
(Exploring Your Mind) The confinement that you may be experiencing these days can greatly affect your relationship with your partner. In this article, we share some valuable advice that may help strengthen your relationship during confinement.
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Cultivating Depth & Meaning For True Intimacy
(Jack Adam Weber) Sex is easy, and can provide a form of instant intimacy. But it’s not enough for deeper connection. Related How our Mind Plays a Critical Role in Healing our Body Source – Collective Evolution by Jack Adam Weber, March 17th, 2020 While good sex alone can’t sustain a soulful relationship, a lack of […]
The Hidden Plight of the Sexually Shamed Male — Why Compassion, not Derision, Is Needed (Video)
The Hidden Plight of the Sexually Shamed Male — Why Compassion, not Derision, Is Needed (Video)
The Science, Law, and Philosophy of Rebuilding Trust After a Huge Relationship Betrayal
(Leilla Blackwell) How can you rebuild trust after a history of betrayal and disappointment? You can seek out therapy or relationship advice, but trust issues come in many forms and are multi-faceted.
Feeling Lonely in Your Relationship — Embrace the Call to Adventure
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) In our increasingly technology-driven world, group activities have become too structured. Our need for adventure, excitement, and novel stimulation often comes through passive means, like binge-watching Netflix, scrolling through social media, or playing video games. One of the greatest joys in life is the adventure of learning how to play […]
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Why Is it so Hard to Forget a Past Love?
(Exploring Your Mind) It’s impossible to forget past love entirely. It doesn’t matter whether your relationship was very difficult or just a summer fling. We’re all made up of stories, and love is like a permanent ink in your brain.
Self-Destructive Behaviors in Relationships
(Exploring Your Mind) What are the most self-destructive behaviors in romantic relationships?
Why Women Fake Orgasm — Why Communication and Proper Expectations are Key to a Vital Relationship
(John M. Grohol) Human sexuality is a wondrous activity. Our understanding of why we act the way we do when we have sex continues to intrigue psychological researchers, since we do things that don’t always seem to make much logical sense. Such as faking an orgasm.
14 Relationship Myths That May Be Unraveling Your Love Life
(Victoria Fann) Hollywood perpetuates lots of myths and fantasies about relationships. Related Boredom in Relationships: Why Spiritual Romance is about Self-Growth and Mutual Projects, Service to Others Love Source – Wake Up World by Victoria Fann, September 3rd, 2019 “Though fairy tales end after ten pages, our lives do not. We are multi-volume sets. In our lives, […]
Boredom in Relationships: Why Spiritual Romance is about Self-Growth and Mutual Projects, Service to Others Love
(Justin Deschamps) Modern relationships have the same challenges as traditional ones: how do you keep things interesting and alive? The best answer is to gain an understanding of why we experience joy and bliss at all. In the following article, mainstream psychology offers insight into why we experience boredom and what can be done about it. I’ll enhance this with a deeper spiritual understanding of relationships.
Cultural Value Systems: Male Values Informed by Female Choice — Social Exclusion Fuels Extremism
(Justin Deschamps) The following neuroscience study analyzed the effect of social exclusion on young men, specifically looking for what effect “sacred values and isolation” had. In my view, the finding suggests that unlike what many anti-male proponents suggest, men are biologically programmed to protect aspects of society deemed sacred. Comprehending why men are driven to defend their values with violence reveals insights that we can use to better shape society for all people.
5 Ways Love Changes Us for the Better
(Dr. Charles & Dr. Elizabeth Schmitz) Being in love not only makes you feel good inside, but makes you different on the outside.
Why Texting Builds a False Sense of Security in Relationships
(Amy Debrucque) This type of communication builds a false sense of security.
How to Avoid Dullness in a Relationship
(Explore Your Mind) Sometimes, it’s inevitable for routine to make an appearance in a relationship. The days go by and nothing new ever happens. There’s no motivation at all to do something different, which, as a consequence, leads to feelings of boredom and apathy. Is it possible to avoid dullness in a relationship?