Trump Ready To Remove Another Globalists System | Deep State Takedown News: June 14th to 15th 2020
Robert Steele
Benjamin Fulford & Robert David Steele Update — June 3rd 2020 (Video)
Benjamin Fulford & Robert David Steele Update — June 3rd 2020 (Video)
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Dr. Judy Mikovits: Black Depopulation a Goal of NIH and CDC! (2 Minute Video)
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele had Dr. Judy Mikovits on his channel and this is a 2 minute clip from the bombshell interview where she emphatically confirms that she knows of scientific proof that the NIH and CDC are preferentially targeting the black and latino populations with certain shots. The first video below is […]
Declaration of NESARA/GESARA Coming Soon? Sacha Stone Thinks So
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele had researcher and activist Sacha Stone back on for a 13 minute update to talk about NESARA, a possible debt jubilee, the Republic of the United States, human trafficking and pedophilia. Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this? The preceding information is an update from one […]
RDS and Fulford Give Update On Pandemic, Gold Standard and Economy
Former Spy Robert David Steele sat down with Benjamin Fulford in this time-sensitive interview where they discuss the “fake pandemic”, the global economic situation, the value of moving to the gold standard and a debt jubilee. Consider sharing the article to help reach a wider audience and consider subscribing to Robert’s channel for more videos. […]
Is the Coronavirus ‘Pandemic’ Over?
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele posits a 4 minute video with his belief that the coronavirus pandemic is over. Be sure to listen to the entire 4 minutes for his full reasoning. Above all, use discernment and believe what you wish. Surely, there is more to the story than the mainstream media presents and […]
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RDS Interviews Kerry Cassidy On ET Wars, SSP, AI and Free Energy
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele released an interview with Project Camelot founder Kerry Cassidy. This is an incredibly in-depth conversation on the extraterrestrial wars taking place, the Secret Space Program, Artificial Intelligence and Free Energy. Be sure to subscribe to Robert’s channel and to share this article with those who might find it fascinating. […]
Former Navy Officer Talks ET’s, Consciousness and Free Energy
John Petersen is quite an accomplished man. He was a naval flight officer in the United States Navy, and has worked at military institutions in the United States, including the National War College, the Institute for National Security Studies, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and the National Security Council at the White House, and has had experience in business and […]
Ben Fulford Talks Iran Assassination, WWIII Not Starting and 1000 Years of Peace Coming
Benjamin Fulford talks with former CIA spy Robert David Steele about the Iran assassination, WWIII not starting and the new era of peace and prosperity coming for our world. He also talks about several in-person meetings he has over the coming weeks which will be about the new financial system and how to help save […]
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Former CIA Spy Talks Debt Jubilee, Arrests, Free Energy and Global Currency Reset
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele recently talked about the coming debt jubilee, mass arrests, free energy, global currency reset, 5G technology, ET disclosure, GMO’s and pesticides, Epstein, CIA, Donald Trump and many other fascinating topics. Be sure to share this article and video widely! Buy Book The Search for the “Manchurian Candidate”: The CIA and […]
Justin Deschamps Talks Sovereignty, Trump and Mind Expansion | Robert David Steele
Justin Deschamps Talks Sovereignty, Trump and Mind Expansion | Robert David Steele
Robert David Steele: CIA Uses 1000 of US Overseas Bases to Facilitate the Smuggling of Drugs, Cash, Gold, Guns, and Small Children for the Elite
(Edward Morgan) Mohsen Abdelmoumen: You wrote the book The Open-Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth, and Trust. Its content as well as the fact that you have distributed it free on the web are revolutionary. Can you explain your concept of Open Source to our readership?
Robert David Steele’s Latest Book Review is an Absolute Must-Read
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele continues to use his influence to spread awareness on the most important and fascinating geo-political events happening in the world.
Full Disclosure: Extraterrestrials, No Nuclear War, End of the Deep State?
(Javad Heirannia) Q. Before we begin discussing what you are calling a full disclosure agenda, let me ask you about your most recent book published at Amazon in both electronic form and hard copy. What is in that book?
Mongoose: Full Disclosure is Inevitable — Upgrading Storming of Area 51 (and Federal Reserve) to Possible UPDATE 4 — To Be Discussed at August Disclosure Conference
(Robert David Steele) There are jokes and then there are travesties. The joke is that 750,000 people are going to over-run Area 51. Not anytime soon, there are electromagnetic defenses that fry people who go beyond a certain point — up to that point they simply puke and lose consciousness.