(Ben Bartee) Robert David Steele (known to many as simply RDS) – controversial figurehead of a new way forward in the information age and fighter for human liberty – died attached to a ventilator in a Florida hospital on Aug. 30.
robert david steele
Globalist Elites vs. Americans: The True #UNRIG Battle Lines
(Ben Bartee) First and foremost on the #UNRIG agenda is to straighten out the narrative.
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Urgent Message To America From General Michael Flynn
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele shares General Michael Flynn’s urgent message to America and the world in this 3 minute video. Robert calls for General Flynn to be placed at either the Director of the CIA or the National Security Advisor that he had before. Photo Credit: https://phibetaiota.net/2020/05/donate-direct-to-ltgen-michael-flynn-impoverished-and-betrayed-by-covington-law-firm-rescued-by-sidney-powell-but-needs-operating-funds-today/ Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why […]
Inspired By Fulford, Robert David Steele Creates Weekly Report and Video
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele has been inspired by Benjamin Fulford’s weekly newsletter and has decided to create his own weekly report, which will also include a live webinar each week where subscribers can ask him anything. Below is a 2 minute video of Robert explaining this new endeavor. Stillness in the Storm Editor: […]
Documentary on $100 Trillion Stolen By Wall Street, Recoverable by Trump
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele teamed up with numerous Wall Street insiders, attorney’s and financial experts to put together a documentary that exposes a practice by Wall Street known as Naked Short Selling. This process is done to intentionally steal money from companies and bankrupt them. Firms have been able to document at least […]
Former Spy Interviews Dr. Cynthia McKinney On Trump, Truth and Dignity
In this interview, Robert asks eleven questions intended to showcase the value of Dr. McKinney to President Donald J. Trump’s campaign to Make America Great Again. Cynthia McKinney is a nationally-recognized leader and a globally-recognized activist for peace and human rights. A six-term member of the House of Representatives from Georgia as a Democrat, she […]
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Former CIA Man Talks: Human Trafficking, Adrenochrome and 9/11
(Michael Wright) Former CIA spy Robert David Steele was a guest on Camelot TV for an interview in which he dropped some major truth-bombs. In the first 6 minute clip, he talks on trafficking, adrenochrome, HRC’s laptop and what the NYPD discovered on that laptop. In the second 5 minute clip, he discusses 9/11 and how he believes Trump knows the truth and will eventually reveal that truth.
RDS To Trump: Reclaim the $50 Trillion Stolen by Wall Street! (Video)
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele has taken up a massive and important project of revealing how Wall Street uses a process known as Naked Short Selling to steal from companies and investors to the tune of trillions of dollars. Robert has been working with Wall Street insiders (even some whose identity must be protected) who […]
Former Spy Robert Steele Responds to Questions About Elite Pedophilia and Government Complicity (Video)
Former Spy Robert Steele Responds to Questions About Elite Pedophilia and Government Complicity (Video)
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RDS on Coronavirus Blessing, Q Anon, Debt Jubilee, Financial Reset & More (Video)
RDS on Coronavirus Blessing, Q Anon, Debt Jubilee, Financial Reset & More (Video)
Ben Fulford Updates Fake Pandemic & What Trump Can Do
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele had Benjamin Fulford on for a quick 13 minute update on the rapidly developing Coronavirus situation. Fulford gives his take on what is happening and what Trump can do to help the situation, as it relates to exposing the cabal. As always, use discernment and come to your own […]
Is the Coronavirus ‘Pandemic’ Over?
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele posits a 4 minute video with his belief that the coronavirus pandemic is over. Be sure to listen to the entire 4 minutes for his full reasoning. Above all, use discernment and believe what you wish. Surely, there is more to the story than the mainstream media presents and […]
Former CIA Spy Says CDC Is Lying About Chinese Coronavirus
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele gives his top eight reasons why he believes the Coronavirus is being hyped far too much by the media and is being pushed by MI6 and the CIA. Check out the four-minute video and be sure to share this article to help spread the message far and wide. Book Biohazard: […]
Former CIA Spy’s Message For Trump On 2020 Election
Former CIA Spy Robert David Steele has released four messages for Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson on the upcoming 2020 Election. He talks 9/11 disclosure, ending the two-party tyranny and replacing VP Mike Pence. Be sure to check out this short 4-minute video and share this article with others you think might enjoy it. Stillness […]
Former Navy Officer Talks ET’s, Consciousness and Free Energy
John Petersen is quite an accomplished man. He was a naval flight officer in the United States Navy, and has worked at military institutions in the United States, including the National War College, the Institute for National Security Studies, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and the National Security Council at the White House, and has had experience in business and […]