(Cristina Laila) More inspiring words from Dummy Joe Biden.
Unable To Attend Aunt’s Funeral Due To Covid Restrictions Farmer Sends Message Of Love Shot From Above – Arranges Sheep Feed In Heart Shape – Drone Captures The Amazing Results [VIDEO]
(B.K. House) An Australian farmer was unable to attend his beloved aunt’s funeral due to covid restrictions so he conveyed his love and sorrow in a message visible from the sky and filmed it with a drone.
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The Importance of Teaching Children to Become Resilient
(Joanna Miller) For us, as adults, it’s easy to get frustrated these days. Whether you are a big-picture person, looking at the trends in surveillance technology and “The Great Reset” hubris, or an ordinary person frustrated by spiking prices and constant supply headaches. Many of us have had to tap into our inner resources to stand resilient in the face of these challenges.
Returning to Normal After a Traumatic Situation
(Exploring Your Mind) Forget that old adage “time heals all wounds”. Usually, it just makes them bigger and harder to deal with. So, what should you do after a painful experience?
The 7 Pillars of Urban Preparedness
(Toby Cowern) The 7 Pillars of Urban Preparedness is an introductory course that Selco and I teach. This is a foundational module that we refer to often because so much is built from these seven pillars. Selco and I created this framework to hang things in a logical sequence.