(Steve Watson) “Sometimes, the truth becomes inconvenient for some people. So they react against me. That just is what it is.”
Fairy Tale Science: The Correct Path to a Better Reality
(Alexsandar Markovic) The June 2021 issue of Discover magazine contains an article, “Show Me The Science” by Anna Funk, Ph.D., an associate editor of that publication. It offers reasons that everyone should place their trust in science. It also sidesteps most of the arguments marshaled by critics of what’s being passed off as science these days. The article states:
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The Reality of “Psychic Dreaming” Explained By Ex Defense Intelligence Agency Director
(Arjun Walia) One realm within the topic of parapsychology is the study of our dreams and there is no better person to learn about dreams from than Dale E. Graff. Graff is an MS in Physics and a lifelong investigator of Psi phenomena specializing in a variety of extrasensory perception (ESP) topics including remote viewing and precognitive dreaming. He has a scientific background in the aerospace industries and in technical intelligence assignments for the Department of Defense. He was also a director of the STARGATE program, a program designed to study parapsychological phenomenon and its effectiveness for intelligence gathering purposes.
Our “Reality” Isn’t “Physical.” It’s “Spiritual, Mental & Immaterial” Says Renowned Physicist
(Arjun Walia) In 2005, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University Richard Conn Henry published a paper in the journal Nature titled “The Mental Universe.” In it, he writes the following:
It’s Time to Revisit “The Truman Show”
(Melissa Dykes) How many people have been living in a world that might as well be this movie and do not realize it?
Change Your Brain Waves – Powerful Way to Transform Your Reality (Video)
Change Your Brain Waves – Powerful Way to Transform Your Reality (Video)
Expanding Reality Through Consciousness: A Fascinating Interview With A Neurosurgeon
(Arjun Walia) Mario Beauregard, PhD., is a neuroscientist currently affiliated with the Department of Psychology, University of Arizona. He has received a bachelor degree in psychology and a doctorate degree in neuroscience from the University of Montreal. He has also underwent postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Texas Medical School (Houston) and the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI), McGill University.
Transcending the Hegelian Dialectic and Duality Reality
(Rosanne Lindsay) In our ego-driven, divide-and-conquer world, we live in a duality reality. This reality reflects a matrix of opposites: introvert/extrovert, beginning/end, living/dead, mind/matter, wave/particle, self/other, material/spiritual, on/off, right/left. This is merely a separation of the mind that always wants to compare. We are both and neither. Humanity is a part of Nature and Nature is […]
Leading Consciousness Researcher Bridges the Gap Between Science and Real Magic
(Dylan Charles) Those of us who have experienced true magic in our lives have been wondering when modern science will somehow bridge the gap between science and spirit, and wondering what will happen to the world when these forces finally unite. It’s coming.
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Do We Really Create Our Own Reality? The Myths and Dangers of New Age Belief
(Jack Adam Weber) Some believe that we are responsible for creating our own reality, for regulating and determining our experience. I think this is only partially true, and if you look closely at your own life, you might also notice the fallacies in this New Age meme. Related: The Physics Behind How Distant Energy Healing Works Source […]
Mind Over Matter — Consciousness and the Nature of Reality
(Jeff Street) Reality is not what it appears — the ancients knew it, pioneering physicists of the early 20th century knew it, and current leading edge scientists are proving it — all is mind. Related The Three Layers of Your Reality Construct — Explained Source – Wake Up World by Jeff Street, December 27th, 2017 Guest writer for Wake […]
“What The Hell Is It?” – 74 Cryptocurrency Questions Answered
(Tyler Durden) With the price of the cryptocurrency soaring – and mainstream interest surging – Yahoo Finance recently invited readers to send us their top questions regarding bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. We condensed questions from nearly 3,500 respondents into the list below, and enlisted a team of Yahoo Finance reporters to answer them, including Daniel Roberts, […]