(S.D. Wells) They call it Post Pandemic Stress Disorder, or PPSD, but it’s really long-term side effects from the Covid vaccines, and those who dare complain will face the dire consequences of challenging the false-authority of the Chinese Communist Party (Biden) administration. Most people have no idea that forced vaccination is only the beginning of “battling” the pandemic, because psychological disorders caused by the vaccines are already being categorized as PPSD, and forced medications for that kind of anxiety and depression are next.
Hollywood Celebrities Say They Are Suffering ‘PTSD’ Following Rittenhouse Verdict
(Nwo Report) Far-left Hollywood celebrities suffered a collective meltdown after Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted on Friday, claiming that they are now suffering “PTSD” as a result of him walking free.
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A Fast Way To Stop Past Traumas & Harmful Emotions
(Anna Rodgers) Do you have painful memories and experiences holding you back from being truly happy and healthy? Have you spent years in therapy, spent a lot of money on it, only to realize that you aren’t really that much better?
MDMA Erases PTSD Symptoms After Two Guided Therapy Sessions, Study Finds
(Randy Robinson) An international study on MDMA and PTSD discovered that over half of patients no longer qualified for PTSD after just two guided psychotherapy sessions.
New Study Concludes That Heavily Traumatized People May Not Necessarily Develop PTSD
(RJ Jhonson) Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has long been associated with very traumatic experiences. A study in the journal Scientific Reports says there could be more to the condition’s origins than bad memories, citing how even some people who have gone through very traumatizing experiences do not develop PTSD.
Cannabis and PTSD: What Does the Clinical Research Say?
(Helena) The psychological effects of trauma and violence have long been known, and in the mid 20th century the symptoms were defined as post traumatic stress disorder.
Why You Should Learn Therapeutic Rocking to Relieve Stress, Insomnia, or PTSD
(Zoey Sky) If you suffer from stress, anxiety, insomnia, pain, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), therapeutic rocking can help ease your symptoms.
PTSD Patients Can No Longer Recognize Positive Emotions, Disturbing Study Concludes
(Carol Anderson) It’s great that more people are becoming aware of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and how it affects those who were diagnosed with it. Recently, an addition to the list of PTSD effects has been added by researchers – one that is a bit more alarming than the others.
Healthy Gut Found to Reduce Effects of Trauma: Study Explains the Link Between the Gut Microbiome and PTSD
(Michelle Simmons) A new study found that a healthy gut can lessen the effects of trauma, as reported by Science Daily. Researchers from Stellenbosch University analyzed the relationship of gut microbiome and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). They compared the gut microbiomes of 18 individuals with PTSD to 12 people who also experienced trauma, but did not develop PSTD. They found a combination of three bacteria that were different in people who suffered from PTSD. These were Actinobacteria, Lentisphaerae, and Verrucomicrobia.
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Psychedelic Renaissance: LSD, Ecstasy and Magic Mushrooms Are Helping People Face Death, Cope with Trauma and Quit Booze and Smokes
This post resonates with me on a personal level. I had a serious drug problem in my late teens and early 20’s, about as serious as anyone can possibly imagine. I spent years abusing my body, my friends and family, and myself. When I finally decided to stop and change my life for the better, […]