(Brian Shilhavy) Americans love their drugs.
VIDEO: “Almost Just Holding on”…Australian Psychiatrist Gets Real About Biden…Something You’ll Never Hear from American Media
(Leisa Audette) How lame is the American media? So lame that it takes foreign media to address the serious subject of Biden’s mental state. It’s not like there aren’t enough examples to study. Every appearance Biden makes, there is a guarantee that a gaffe will happen. Our media looks the other way and excuses Biden’s failings.
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Sleep Disorders May Be a Symptom of Depression: People Who Don’t Get Enough Sleep Have Repetitive, Negative Thoughts Which Can Lead to Depression and Anxiety
(Earl Garcia) Lack of sleep may do more than induce a “spaced out” feeling as recent research published in the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry found that sleep deprivation may lead to the persistence of repetitive negative thoughts. Researchers at the State University of New York at Binghamtonexplained that repetitive negative thinking occurs when a person focuses on distressing and unhelpful thoughts and stimuli, which in turn may result in a decreased quality of life and the onset of mental health problems associated with depression and anxiety.
A Therapist Explains What Happens When People Try To Quit Psychiatric Meds
(Edward Morgan) Trying to kick psychiatric medications is one of those rarely discussed problems with the modern psychiatric business. For all the informative and sleek television commercials and all the simplified explanations by doctors, when someone decides to get off these meds, the experience can be an utter nightmare.
7 of the Most Common Dreams and What Your Subconscious May Be Trying to Tell You
(Jessica Dolores) There’s an ancient Jewish proverb that goes, ‘An unexamined dream is like an unopened letter.’ Dreams are our subconscious’ way of reaching out to us. It tells us what are hidden fears, aspirations, and needs are. It tells us the state of our mental health in much the same way that a green traffic light tells us it’s okay to drive down the road.
Clairvoyance or Mental Illness?
(Sterling Nicole Bennett) Recently, I spent a few days in mental agony unable to shake the question of my own sanity. I wasn’t able to quiet the anxious thoughts of, what if I’m crazy? Or, what if what I’m experiencing is actually a spiritual gift? Source – SterlingNicoleBennett.com by Sterling Nicole Bennett, April 4th, 2018 What if everyone […]
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You Are Being Programmed: Five Ways Your Thoughts Are Being Driven Against Your Own Self-Interest
(Isabelle Z) There are plenty of examples in history of mind control being used to influence masses of people to bend to the will of those in control. These days, as the Activist Post points out, mind control has expanded beyond the purely psychological to incorporate a technological aspect as well. Related How Government Literally Makes People Go […]
Constitutional Attorney Jonathan Emord Calls for Federal Investigation into Link Between Psych Drugs and School Shootings
(JD Heyes) A top-rated lawyer who has beaten the Food and Drug Administration more times in court than any other attorney is calling on the Trump administration to launch a probe into possible links between commonly-prescribed psychiatric drugs and the epidemic of school shootings. Related Mass Shootings: The New Manifestation of an Ancient Phenomenon & Their Link […]
Mass Shootings: The New Manifestation of an Ancient Phenomenon & Their Link to Psychiatric Drugs
(Ali Le Vere) Individuals perpetrating unspeakable acts of violence is not a new phenomenon. What’s new, rather, are the altered states of consciousness induced by antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs well-documented to promote homicidal and suicidal behavior in susceptible individuals.