Bigger Than Snowden. Neuro Weapons. Directed Energy Weapons. Mind Control. Targeted Individuals. 5G
psionic weapons
Cuba Psionic Weapons Attack: Brain Scans Confirm 40 Victims Were Hit… by Something
(Science Daily) Advanced neuroimaging reveals key brain differences, particularly in the cerebellum, between impacted patients and healthy individuals, which may underlie clinical findings previously reported.
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Philadelphia is Using A SONIC WEAPON To Keep Kids Away From Parks! (Not The Onion!)
(Justin Deschamps) Psionic or sound weapons are real. They’ve been used for controlling society for many years but many assume this claim is nothing more than a crackpot fantasy, until now. The following article proves that these weapons are indeed real and are being used by the State for various purposes.
Psionic Terrorism — The Disturbing Story of a US Field Marshal with a Licence to Kill, Using Advanced Direct Energy Weapons
Psionic Terrorism — The Disturbing Story of a US Field Marshal with a Licence to Kill, Using Advanced Direct Energy Weapons
Finally Admitted! “New” Tech Can Beam Voices Directly into Your Head
Finally Admitted! “New” Tech Can Beam Voices Directly into Your Head
Those Sonic Attacks Are Spreading, but the Real Question Is…
(Joseph P. Farrell) It began with complaints by U.S. Embassy personnel in Cuba, and then it spread to China; they complained of hearing loud noises, sometimes just prior to sleeping, and in some instances the noises were described as “metal grating on metal”. One individual in Cuba, you’ll recall, complained that he could only hear them on his bed. When he got up and moved, the phenomenon ceased. This, to my mind, was a clear indicator of the use of well-known mind control technologies, the so-called “voice to skull” microwave technologies. In this technology, information – usually brain waves – is modulated on microwaves, and can thus be “heard” by the audio cortex of a target’s brain.
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Psionic Weaponry? — More Americans Evacuated From China Over Mysterious Ailments
(Justin Deschamps) High strangeness as 11 more American diplomats were evacuated from China, due to a sickness that emerged after hearing strange sounds. Could this be the result of psionic weaponry?