(Collin Rugg) U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the state of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccinations from the State Dining Room at the White House in Washington, D.C., U.S., April 6, 2021.
Pope Francis
Pope Francis Tells Catholics to Get Vaccinated, Calls Doing so an ‘Act of Love’
(Sophie Mann) Pope Francis is the latest public figure to issue a statement in favor of vaccines that protect against Covid-19, calling them safe, effective, and an “act of love.”
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Report: Pope Francis Rejected Meeting Request from Biden Because of Ongoing Controversy
(Erin Coates) The Vatican reportedly rejected a request for President Joe Biden to attend an early morning Mass with Pope Francis.
Globalist Pope Francis Defends Joe Biden Over Abortion Policies – Says Plan by US Bishops to Rebuke Him Might Look “Divisive” – But Same Pope a Frequent Critic of Trump
(Jim Hoft) Globalist Pope Francis was a frequent critic of President Trump and his policies to secure and protect the US border.
Pope Francis, Once Again, Calls for a New World Order and ‘Universal Vaccines’
(Ethan Huff) In an April 4 letter he sent to the Spring 2021 virtual meeting of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Pope Francis officially called for a new system of “global governance” and “universal vaccines” to cure the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) and other pressing “problems.”
The Great Reset and One World Religion is Coming
(Christopher Martin) The great reset is coming. Make no mistake your religion (or lack of it) is in its crosshairs. But wait, just when the atheists thought they were safe having conquered the world through cold hard science, God may have the last laugh. But who’s God? Will a One World religion usher in Christian authoritarianism and Catholic dictators?
Pope Francis Visits Former ISIS Stronghold of Mosul, Iraq — Thanks Only to President Donald Trump and His Eradication of Caliphate in Region
(Jim Hoft) Nearly seven years ago ISIS fighters took control of Mosul, Iraq in June 2014. ISIS terrorists marched over a thousand young Shiite men into the desert, lined them up on the ground and shot them all dead.
RUMOR: Pope Francis Arrested During Vatican Blackout
(Staff Writer) Not merely huge, absolutely MASSIVE, if true:
In His Christmas Day Address, Pope Francis Called for All the World to be Vaccinated, Even if Vaccines Are Made From Aborted Baby Parts
(Humans Are Free) In his Christmas Day address, Pope Francis appealed to the nations of the world to share the new coronavirus vaccines with the most needy, and aborted baby parts don’t matter.
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Pope Francis Suggests ‘Universal Basic Wage’ In Letter: ‘So Human And So Christian … No Worker Without Rights’
(Frank Camp) In an Easter letter to “brothers and sisters of popular movements and organizations,” Pope Francis wrote about the struggles of the poor and “marginalized,” and offered prayer and blessings to them.
The Vatican’s Cardinal George Pell Is Freed From Jail & His Child Sex Abuse Convictions Are Overturned
(Arjun Walia) Cardinal George Pell, a high ranking Vatican official who was convicted of child sexual abuse has been set free, and all charges have been dropped. How many people in powerful places are involved in such activity?
Pope Francis and the Devil’s Horns
(Humans Are Free) After having bumped into the images displaying Pope Francis making the “horns sign” on January 17 while visiting the Philippines, and having found myself both in shock and dismay, I decided to dive into this subject in the attempt to research its origin, especially since the idea of the rock gesture of the devil horns seems to be commonly interpreted as a way to say “I Love You”.
Vatican Insider & Author Accuse Pope Francis of Facilitating The Sexual Abuse, Trafficking & Death of Children
(Arjun Walia) If you don’t already know, a number of Vatican officials over the years have been implicated in sexually abusing children. In fact, it goes well beyond the main church inside the walls of Vatican city, and into various churches around the world that are connected to the Roman Catholic Order, among others.