(Andrew Stiles) PolitiFact, the allegedly “independent” fact-checking website, is soliciting donations to fund its “fact-based, unbiased reporting.” Unfortunately, these fundraising efforts have already been tainted with disinformation.
Politifact Blasted Over “Mostly False” Fact Check Admitting Bartiromo’s Russian Oil Claims Were True
(Adan Salazar) Venerated fact-check site ridiculed on social media for overtly disingenuous claims.
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Politifact Nails Joe Biden After He Gets the Entire Point of the Second Amendment Completely Wrong
(Jack Davis) President Joe Biden’s aim was way off Wednesday when he misfired in a comment about the Second Amendment, according to a major fact-checking website.
VIDEO EVIDENCE Proves CNN and Politifact Hacks Are Lying About Cyber Ninjas and the Missing Database Directory
(Jim Hoft) The Arizona Senate held a hearing last Thursday on latest developments in the Arizona Senate Audit of the 2020 Maricopa County election ballots.
Politifact Removes 2020 Report Stating Theory That COVID Leaked for Wuhan Lab ‘Debunked Conspiracy’
(Nicholas Sherman) PolitiFact added an editor’s note Monday retracting the “pants on fire” claim.
BUSTED: Politifact Caught in Major Lie on Early Morning Ballot Dump at the TCF Center in Detroit
( Jim Hoft) On Wednesday morning, November 3rd President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden in the swing state of Michigan by over 100,000 votes.