Source Thank you to friend from Facebook for brining this to my attention. I knew the NSA was spying on us but now they want to charge for it!! lol – Justin NSA Charging You to Spy on You Imagine the agroance of seeing a $0.23 charge on your phone bill and discovering that it’s […]
police state
David Icke: New Company Allows Organizations To Hire Fake Protesters
Source So, no one supports your cause? No problem. You can hire supporters- even protesters. A company started last October by 22-year-old Adam Swart provides just this service. In a telephone interview I spoke with Swart about his new found success. “I came up with the idea on a visit to Estonia,” says Swart. At […]
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Occupy Corporatism: Federal Court Rules: Your Cell Phone is a Gov Tracking Device
The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that since customers give up private information to their cell phone companies, which are a 3rd party, this data is public knowledge and not protected under privacy laws. This decision is based on the third-party doctrine that is a “legal concept established by a set of court decisions over decades that […]