(Health Impact News) A six-year-old boy from Minnesota has suffered life-threatening injuries after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, reports Alpha News. Milo Edberg, who was alert and walking in early December before he got the COVID shot, is now confined to a hospital bed after he was diagnosed with myocarditis.
Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccines Contain Nanotechnology To Track People, Scientists Say
(Mary Villareal) New Zealand scientists found that there is an undeclared nanotechnology in Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines that assemble into microchip circuit boards – which can be used to track people – when exposed to heat over time.
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Two Teenagers Drop Dead Days after Getting “Vaccinated” With Pfizer – Media Silent
(Ethan Huff) Researchers from Yale University and the University of Michigan published a paper about two boys who were found dead in their beds after getting a second injection of Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine.”
“Everyone is at Risk for Blood Clots!” – CDC and Pfizer Issue Urgent Warnings on Blood Clots Even in “The Healthiest Athletes”
(Nwo Report) Both CDC and Pfizer have recently issued a public warning about “blood clots.”
“How Many More Until We’re All Grieving” – 28-Year-Old Woman Speaks Out After Suffering Functional Neurological Disorder Following Pfizer Vaccination
(Jim Hoft) A 28-year-old businesswoman from Reading, England was diagnosed with a Functional Neurological Disorder, a condition directly at the intersection of neurology and psychiatry, after receiving the Pfizer COVID vaccine.
BREAKING: FDA Executive Officer Makes SHOCKING Admission About Covid Vaccine In Secretly Recorded Video [WATCH]
(Adam Wilson) Yesterday, shocking audio was released by Project Veritas that exposed the FDA for lying to the American people about the Covid-19 vaccine. FDA Executive Officer Christopher Cole, who plays a leading role in making sure that vaccines are safe for use by the American public, admitted that an annual Covid booster is certain to happen.
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FDA Stonewalls After Judge Refused to Give It 75 Years to Produce Vaccine Data, Pfizer Has Now Intervened
(Kyle Becker) The Food and Drug Administration thought it was appropriate that it be given 75 years to produce data for vaccines, which have proven to be the basis for the biggest public policy disaster in U.S. history.
Paris Likely To Scrap Vaccine Passports Before July, Says French Health Minister
(Ramon Tomey) The health minister of France claimed that the government will likely scrap Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine passports before July.
Pfizer Admits in Confidential Document That COVID-19 Vaccine Causes Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease
(Arsenio Toledo) A confidential Pfizer document has confirmed that the company’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine causes vaccine-associated enhanced disease (VAED).
Profits Over People: Pfizer Pushes FDA to Approve Covid Vaccines for Children Under 5 Years Old
(Kyle Becker) Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer is pushing the Food and Drug Administration to approve its mRNA shots for children under 5 years old.
Ron Paul, Congressman of 30 Years, Banned on Facebook After Quoting Pfizer CEO
(Matt Agorist) Though the fact checking madness began long before COVID-19, over the last two years, fact checking has seemingly been weaponized to defend the establishment’s narrative only. Challenge the status quo and you will be censored into oblivion by the system’s praetorian guard — never mind the fact that they have been wrong countless times.
FDA Requests Further Delay in Releasing Covid Vax Documents as Pfizer Steps in to Help Withhold Data
(Ashley Sadler) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has once again requested permission to hold off on releasing the data it used to approve Pfizer’s COVID-19 shots for widespread distribution despite a court order requiring them to begin publishing 55,000 pages of documents per month starting in March.
Ex-Pfizer Scientist Mike Yeadon Claims He Can Prove COVID Vaccine Batches Are Materially Different and Pose Unique Risks to Recipients
(Mary Villareal) Ben Armstrong spoke with former Pfizer scientist Mike Yeadon on the January 10 episode of “The Ben Armstrong Show” about vaccine manufacturing. They discussed how 90 percent of the reported adverse effects of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines came from less than 10 percent of the released vaccine batches.
Pfizer CEO Pushes for More Boosters Just As Studies Show Vaccines Actually Make People MORE Likely To Catch Omicron After 90 Days
(Cassie B.) Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla recently stated that two doses of his company’s vaccine are not enough to battle the Omicron variant in an admission that even the mainstream media couldn’t ignore – but what he said was really only part of a far deeper and more disturbing truth about the jabs.
Toronto Man Says Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine KILLED His Healthy, Athletic 17-Year-Old Son
(Arsenio Toledo) A man testified to the Toronto City Council that he believes his 17-year-old son was killed because he was forced to take the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.