(J. Deane Waldman) Cynics smile before they say, “Perception is reality.” What we see must be true because we see it! If we don’t see it, then it cannot be real. Anyone who has ever used Photoshop knows that “seeing is believing” is false, just as misleading as expecting politicians to do what they promise.
Transgenderism: Perception and Reality are Two Different Things
(Michael J. Mueller) Several weeks ago I read that singer Demi Lovato came out as non-binary and would be using pronouns they/them to describe herself . . . wait . . . to describe themselves, or them, or they . . . or . . . you get the drift! I’m guessing non-binary means that she is not two people, a definition I can get behind; but, why then does she call herself them? I’m thinking my definition of non-binary may be contrary to what it actually means. My sexagenarian mind finds it difficult to wrap around these concepts because, when I was young, we only had two genders – male and female. Today, according to Dude Asks, apparently the definitive authority on gender, there are upwards of 112 different genders ranging from “Neutrois” to “Verangender.”
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How Schemas Shape Your World
(Exploring Your Mind) According to Young, schemas are the stable, rooted, and enduring patterns that develop over the course of an individual’s life. They’re so pervasive and unconscious that it isn’t easy to be aware of how they shape your world.
Jordan Peterson: Mapping Out Perception (Video)
Jordan Peterson: Mapping Out Perception (Video)
Jordan B Peterson on Value Systems and Perception (Video)
Jordan B Peterson on Value Systems and Perception (Video)
Conscious Visual Perception Occurs Outside the Visual System
(Science Daily) A Dartmouth study finds that the conscious perception of visual location occurs in the frontal lobes of the brain, rather than in the visual system in the back of the brain. The findings are published in Current Biology.
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Selective Perception: How it Affects Our View of the World
(Exploring Your Mind) We often choose to see or understand what we want to. This is known as selective perception.
Sensory Deprivation and its Frightening Effects
Sensory deprivation, particularly for a period of more than 48 hours, can have a huge effect on perception, cognition, and emotion. Experts have proven that social deprivation has similar effects.
How Expectation Influences Perception
(Neuroscience News) For decades, research has shown that our perception of the world is influenced by our expectations.
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Desire Influences Visual Perception — Master Your Goals and Ideals for a Fulfilling Life
(Justin Deschamps) Can our desires and values they embody influence how we perceive the world? Studies conducted by psychological researchers suggest that perception is altered by desire and states of mind. Given that what we perceive directly influences what we think is real and consider possible, comprehending this mechanism of human experience is essential.