(John Solomon) Pontiff quoted a half-century-old paper written by Albert Einstein: “Shall we put an end to the human race, or shall mankind renounce war?”
The Four Cardinal Virtues, According to Lao-Tzu
(Exploring Your Mind) Lao-Tzu stated that there exist four cardinal virtues and they represent the path to inner peace. For this great philosopher, and for Taoism in general, such virtues are the way to achieve a full and meaningful life.
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When Your Woke Government Promises You ‘a General Peace’
(J.B. Shurk) One of my favorite political cartoons from the end of America’s War for Independence comes not from the colonies, but from a printer in London. Entitled “The General P__s, or Peace,” it shows an Englishman, a Dutchman, an American Indian, a Spaniard, and a Frenchman all urinating into a pot with their swords and national flags lying on the ground.
White House’s Psaki: Trump Didn’t Do ‘Anything Constructive Really’ to Bring about Middle East Peace
(Nicholas Sherman) While President, Trump was able to normalize relations between Israel and several Arab nations.
Core Issues
(Barbara H Whitfield RT and Charles L Whitfield MD) Whenever there is any kind of conflict, the stress and pressure bring up “core issues” that possibly haven’t come up before, or we have been able to ignore them. In Trauma and Twelve Step Recovery we talk about these Core Issues.
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(Barbara H Whitfield RT and Charles L Whitfield MD) For the past 80 years, between us, we have helped adults who were repeatedly abused and neglected as children—sexually, and/or physically, emotionally and psychologically. This is not a short term endeavor as some may believe. Short term is a “band aid.”
Understanding our Inner Life and Inner Healing: Victim to Survivor to Thriver
(Barbara H Whitfield RT and Charles L Whitfield MD) I (BW) wrote my 6th book Victim to Survivor and Thriver in 2011. At the time, I was unaware that to become a Survivor and eventually a Thriver, we could ask/pray for an assistant to our healing work that Charles and I now call early “Dragon Energy.”
Are you fed up? 4 Days of Prayer
(Mark Shepard) Are you fed up? 4 Days of Prayer
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Activation of the Age of Aquarius: December 11th-December 21st 2020 (Video)
In this 2 minute video, learn about the astrological and spiritual significance of December 11th-December 21st 2020 in its relation to activating the Age of Aquarius for our Earth Mother Gaia-Sophia, ourselves and beyond! Related Plenary Power: Legislatures Have It Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this? The news is important to […]
The Power of Humility: Choosing Peace over Conflict
(Barbara H Whitfield RT and Charles L Whitfield MD) Choosing Peace over Conflict
HISTORIC: President Trump Announces Israel and Sudan Normalization Agreement — Third Muslim Country to Announce Peace Deal with Israel
(Jim Hoft) Now you know why the liberal media and debate commission would not allow foreign policy to be discussed during the presidential debates.
What’s next for Peace in the Middle East?
Michael Oren, former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S., sees a challenging but optimistic future for Israel’s relationships with other Middle Eastern countries.
President Trump Nominated for a SECOND Nobel Peace Prize by Swedish Lawmaker After Historic Kosova-Serbia Peace Agreement
(Jim Hoft) President Trump was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize on Wednesday.
Trump Oversees Historic Serbia-Kosovo Deal With Great News For Israel
(Hank Berrien) On Friday, President Trump oversaw representatives of Serbia and Kosovo as they signed a historic normalization of relations, topped by another achievement for Trump regarding the state of Israel as the Jewish state’s unprecedented relationship with an American president rose to another peak: Kosovo, a majority Muslim country, acknowledged recognition of Israel, and Serbia agreed to move its embassy to Jerusalem.