(Cristina Laila) Walt Disney heiress Abigail Disney this weekend said Florida’s anti-grooming bill is “ridiculous” and argued it is an attempt to take us backwards.
Outraged Parents Pulling Kids from School as ‘Crazy’ Restorative Justice Policy Leads to Escalating Violence
(Jack Davis) A New York City middle school is out of control as violence rages in the halls and educators respond with woke policies that resolve nothing, according to multiple parents.
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NSBA Head Knew About DOJ’s Plans To Target Parents in Memo ‘Before They Were Published’
(Nick Monroe) “I understand Chip [Slaven] knew about the A.G. directives before they were published. So much for communicating with the BOD [Board of Directors].”
Video: Biden Orders Parents Not To Allow Kids Near The Unvaxxed
(Steve Watson) Also bizarrely tells them to avoid ‘actual buses’, from his fake Oval office
School District in New York Sends out Email Warning Parents of Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Students Grades K-12
(Jim Hoft) Eastport-South Manor Central School District (ESM) in Suffolk County, New York sent out an email to all parents informing them about the new physician in their district. The new hiring was part of the new regulations regarding Sudden Cardiac Arrest of students Grades K- 12.
Could Parents Soon Need a ‘license’ to Raise Their Own Children?
(Bob Unruh) A senior contributor at the Federalist, Stella Morabito, has published a warning to parents that if leftists are not stopped in their agenda, moms and dads soon could need a “license” to raise their own children.
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Are Parents a National Security Threat?
(Mark R. Schneider) In case you’ve not heard, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) has mobilized against a new and unprecedented “threat” of “criminal conduct” facing the nation. So grave is this menace that the FBI has marshaled the National Threat Operations Center (NTOC), the DOJ’s Criminal Division, National Security Division, Civil Rights Division, the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, the FBI, the Community Relations Service, and the Office of Justice Programs.
Hours After Loudoun County Students Walk Out of Schools, Parents Take Their Demands to School Board
(C. Douglas Golden) Loudoun County, Virginia, parents have a clear message for their school board and superintendent: It’s time for them to go.
Democrat Terry McAuliffe AGAIN Smears Virginia Parents by Calling Their Concerns About Critical Race Theory “Racist” (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) Democrat Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe AGAIN smeared Virginia parents by calling their concerns about Critical Race Theory (CRT) “racist.”
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“You Buried a Rape!” – Parents in Loudoun County Demand School Board Members Resign Over Coverup of Sexual Assault (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) Loudoun County, Virginia – Angry parents confronted a coverup of sexual assault as a direct result of the school’s transgender policy allowing biological males into the ladies restroom.
Texas GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Don Huffines Vows He Will Detain Any Federal Agents Who Come Into State Looking To Arrest Parents As “Domestic Terrorists”
(JD Heyes) We have been saying for months that in order for states to deal with an increasingly lawless Biden regime and the deep state that is running him, their governors and other leaders need to start thinking outside the box.
OH NO: Parents Make Mistake of Allowing Their Children Around Joe Biden
(Joe Hoft) Uninformed parents leave their children with Joe Biden over the weekend. Apparently, nobody warned them.
‘We’re Not Domestic Terrorists’: Parents’ Group Leader Hits Back Hard After Biden DOJ ‘Declared a War on Parents’
(Dillon Burroughs) One parenting leader is speaking out after Attorney General Merrick Garland sent a memorandum from the Department of Justice to the FBI to address supposed “threats of violence” from parents.
Brave Parents Fire Back at DOJ and National School Board Association After Categorizing them “Domestic Terrorists” (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) The growing backlash at school board meetings from outraged parents who use their constitutionally protected rights to speak out against tyrannical covid mandates and the poisonous, anti-American critical race theory that is being taught to their children has prompted the National School Boards Association to send a letter to Biden.
Parents Rise Up Against School Board Over Commie Teacher Until They Decide to Take Action
(Kyle Becker) Parents are fed up with “Woke” school boards usurping their rights and treating their children like disposable commie foot soldiers in an imaginary war against so-called “oppression.”