(Explore Your Mind) Knowing when it’s right to post something on social media is one of your duties as a parent. Learn about the risks of putting your children on social media.
Symmetry between Parents and Children
(Exploring your Mind) When there is symmetry between parents and their children, children believe that they’re their parents’ peers. The parents have no authority over their children, and the children have a hard time developing their own identity. Instead, they copy what they see in their parents, including trauma and anxiety.
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Women Who Take Probiotics Produce Breast Milk with Different Complex Sugars That May Prevent Food Allergies and Infections
(Vicki Batts) Food allergies are on the rise, and many soon-to-be parents are wondering what, if anything, they can do to help reduce the risk of their child developing a life-threatening allergy. Scientists now believe breast milk may just be the answer. As a baby’s main source of nourishment, breast milk is already a top priority for new moms. New research shows that taking probiotics can drastically alter the composition of breast milk sugars, so much so that it can help prevent food allergies and infections.
The Effects of Toxic Stress on Children’s Brain Development
(Exploring your Mind) Toxic stress can weaken the structure of a developing brain and have long-term learning, behavior, and physical and mental health consequences. In children, the body and brain’s excessive or prolonged response to stress can affect their development. In fact, toxic stress can have harmful effects on learning, behavior, and their health throughout their lifetime.
I Want to Be a Mom, but I’m Afraid
(Exploring your Mind) The social pressure to have children is much less intense than it used to be. However, deciding whether to have children or not is still challenging. There is a lot of fear associated with becoming a mother, and that can heavily influence your decision. In this article, we’ll guide you through some steps you can take to make an informed decision that reflects your needs and desires.
Creating a Family Culture Around Emotional Self-Regulation
(Erina White, PhD, MPH, MSW) Most of us know a family that speaks a foreign language at home. Children in these families can switch seamlessly between the language they speak with their parents and the one they speak with their peers, teachers, and other adults. This facility with multiple languages benefits children in numerous ways, including in being able to navigate a multicultural world.
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5 Ways to Teach Liberty to Young Children
(Nancy Littlefield) If you believe that liberty is important for the future, you probably wonder how today’s kids are learning about it. You might quiz young children in your life to determine what they know. You could scan their social studies texts to see how liberty is described. Ultimately, you will probably decide you should instruct them about liberty yourself. But how?
Jordan B Peterson: Comment on the APA Guidelines for the Treatment of Boys and Men
(Jordan B Peterson) Beware the Ideologues in Psychologists’ Clothing
Subconsciously People Remain Stuck At The Age That We Experienced The Least Amount Of Love
(Expand Your Consciousness) We’ve all known adults that we have written off as having childish reactions to stressful situations or we just consider emotionally immature. It turns out that psychologists have an explanation for a major contributor to this behavior and even offer some suggestions for dealing with it whether we recognize it within ourselves, a loved one, or a friend.
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What America Has Done To Its Young People Is Appalling
(James Ostrowski) Critics are perhaps too quick to judge America’s young people, citing declining SAT scores, obesity, drug overdoses, addiction to smart phones, bizarre alterations of personal appearance and high rates of (alleged) mental illness.
Study Links Autistic Children Back to Mothers Who Had Chronic Respiratory Ailments, Inflammation During Pregnancy
(Janine Acero) Clinical trials have shown an association between the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and maternal immune activation (MIA), an active immune response after an infectious exposure during pregnancy, but this study is the first one to examine its link to an increase in behavioral abnormalities in children.
An Introduction to Peaceful Parenting — Tilling the Soil for A Better World
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) As someone keenly interested in solving the world’s problems, I began studying psychology with greater enthusiasm and focus several years ago. Since beginning that research project, what I have uncovered about the human condition, how it forms, and what factors are the most influential, the childhood experience is one of the […]
Hormone-based Pregnancy Test Prescribed by Doctors Caused Horrific Birth Defects… Huge Cover-up
(Russel Davis) Primodos, a hormone-based pregnancy test used in the 1960s, may have caused severe deformities or abnormalities in children, new evidence suggests. Data from an archived study by renowned Professor William Inman show that pregnant women who took the drug were five times more likely to have a child with birth defects — such as missing limbs or congenital heart conditions — than those who did not take the pill. The study finds that Primodos was never tested before it was given to pregnant women.
Context Before Vocabulary: New Research Shows Babies as Young as 6 Months Use It to Integrate Learning
(Zoey Sky) Babies are naturally curious, and their drive to explore the world around them can help them become fast learners. A recent study has even discovered that infants as young as six months old can read contextual clues to find faces.
No Need for Drugs: Parent Education Proven an Effective Solution for Many ADHD Challenges
(Rhonda Johansson) Evidence-based parent-teacher-children training programs have recently been proven to be effective not only in preventing child delinquency in later years but in reducing the symptoms of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among three to eight-year-olds.