(Nicholas Sherman) DeSantis said he will issue pardons in the next couple of weeks.
A MASSIVE Declassification, Pardon, And Special Counsel Appointments May Be Underway From President Trump
(Vince) Reports are alleging that President Trump will declassify information over the next several days, and appoint special counsel on Dominion on Biden Cartel probes.
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UK Judge Rules Against Extradition Of Julian Assange To US
(Anthony T) Julian Assange is back in the news and no it’s not a pardon. A British court ruled early Monday that Assange’s mental health was not in a condition to go through an extradition process back to the United States to stand a trial.
Julian Assange Has Formally Requested a Pardon From President Donald Trump
(Cassandra Fairbanks) Julian Assange formally requested a pardon from President Donald Trump on Tuesday morning, the Gateway Pundit can now reveal.
President Trump Grants Full Pardon to Alice Johnson
(Kristinn Taylor) President Trump granted a full pardon to Alice Johnson during a meeting in the Oval Office Friday attended by the media. Previously, Trump had commuted Johnson’s life sentence without parole for her role in a Memphis drug ring to time served which freed her from prison after about 22 years behind bars as part of his efforts to reform the criminal justice system. Johnson was placed on parole as a condition of the June 6, 2018 commutation by Trump that was supported by Kim Kardashian.