(Carly Fraser) UPDATE: On June 3, 2019, the USDA clarified its standards regarding organic crop container systems, requiring that container-based operations must also stop using synthetic chemicals not approved for organic crop production for three years prior to achieving certification, both in the containers as well as on the soil underneath.
New Grocery Store Lets You Buy Health Food for the Price of Fast-food
(Rob Hoffman) Imagine Whole Foods at dollar-store prices—a new company called Daily Table is shifting the power back to people of lower income, so they too have the option of eating right.
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Google Alters Search Results to Discredit Nutritional Supplements and Natural Health Websites
(Natural News) As part of the company’s social engineering “fairness” agenda, Google is reportedly now populating its search engine “autocomplete” function with suggestions that aim to deter users from taking dietary supplements, eating organic food, and opting for naturopathic medicine rather than Big Pharma’s “sick care” system.
GOOGLE: “Organic is a Lie, Supplements are Dangerous, Chiropractic is Fake,” and Other Thoughts They Want You To Think
(Waking Times) Recently, a shocking discovery was made: Google is autocompleting the search fields of billions of users with false information (topics ranging from natural health to candidates for election), based not on objective search volume data, but an extremely biased political and socio-economic agenda — one that is jeopordizing the health and human rights of everyone on the planet.
Doctor Tells All About GMO Food & Soil Health — MUST KNOW Information for Natural Healing in the Modern Age
(Simon J Hill) In Episode 67 I sit down with Dr Zach Bush, Endocrinologist and Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner, and discuss how our food system is getting things so wrong. We deep dive into the use of herbicides like Glyphosate, the catastrophic damage modern farming practices are causing and where the solutions lie.
What Crops Are Sprayed with Glyphosate? Over 70 of Them To Be Exact
(Carly Fraser) Ever since Dewayne Johnson won a landmark lawsuit against agricultural giant, Monsanto (now Bayer), people have been scrambling to find ways of avoiding the popular weedkiller, Roundup.
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Atlanta to Transform 7 Acres of Vacant Land Into Country’s Largest Free Food Forest
(Emma Fiala) Atlanta’s City Council just voted in favor of transforming over 7 acres of vacant property into the state of Georgia’s first food forest. The measure, which paves the way for the largest food forest in the country according to Councilwoman Carla Smith, was approved last Monday after a unanimous vote.
We Can No Longer Rely on USDA Organic Standards
(ANH USA) The USDA’s organics program has been taken over by corporate interests; it’s time to fight back. Action Alert! Related Toxic Weed Killer Found in Almost All Beer and Wine Brands (Including Organic) Source – ANH USA by Staff Writer, February 28th, 2019 Consumers looking for clean, healthy food have for years turned to foods with […]
The Cornucopia Institute Issued A Guide To Organic Certifiers: Information Consumers Ought To Know
(Catherine J. Frompovich) In March 2019, The Cornucopia Institute produced a 22-page online report “The Gatekeepers of Organic Integrity.”
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Another Reason to Choose Organic over Processed: Consuming Raw Fruits and Veggies Is Linked to Better Mental Health Outcomes
(Ellaine Castillo) Countless evidence proves the importance of eating fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, many of these studies fail to consider the effects of various food processing techniques like cooking and canning on their nutritional content and benefits. Recently, a team of researchers from the University of Otago in New Zealand has found that the consumption of raw fruits and vegetables leads to better mental health outcomes compared to their processed counterparts.
Top 10 Reasons Your Child Has Frequent Headaches, Abdominal Pain, ADHD, Allergies, Skin Problems, Weight Problems, and Mental Health Issues
(S.D. Wells) In America, parents are quick to rush their child to a medical doctor or even the emergency room the second symptoms of disease and disorder rear their ugly heads. Of course, this is a natural knee-jerk reaction to protect their child and prevent further health disarray, but the medications that are prescribed for most of these symptoms will accomplish the one thing parents absolutely DO NOT want – prolonged, worsened health conditions for their child.
These 11 Companies Control Everything You Buy
(Luke Fernandez) Is freedom of choice an illusion?
The rapid rise of variation in everyday goods and services, from which cereal we eat in the morning to which toothpaste we brush our teeth with at night, gives the perception of unlimited choice. For example, if you’re deciding which bottled water to buy, the possibilities range from budget brands, like Deer Park or Ozarka, to higher-end options, like Perrier or S. Pellegrino. But this appearance of choice is actually manufactured. All of the aforementioned brands are owned by one company: Nestle.
Certified Naturally Grown – An Alternative to the USDA National Organic Program Certification
(Helen Lyle) Organic food standards are still met but small farms don’t face the level of paperwork and expense that the USDA requires. Consumers are assured of quality products.
The Corporate Takeover of Organic Food
(Dr. Joseph Mercola) Why did the Organic Trade Association, which says its mission is to promote and protect organic, support measures against GMO labeling? Why is the OTA increasingly succumbing to influential corporate members that seemingly do not belong?
Let Food Be Your Cosmetic: Coconut Oil Outperforms Dangerous Petroleum Body Care Products
(Sayer Ji) What you put on your skin goes directly into your body. Indeed, human autopsy studies have shown that mineral oil widely permeates our internal organs; major moisturizer brands have been found to cause tumor formation in treated animals. All the more reason why we need healthy “food cosmetics” as alternatives to petroleum-derived body care products.